Yeah, if you want to see it on YouTube, folks, we put it on the free side at Wen web. If you go to, you’ll see the YouTube address where… (laughing) So the official Obama/NFL Criticizer: ‘Certified black enough to criticize with 100%…’ What is it you say? ‘Organic slave blood.’ That — affirms all credibility here on matters like this. So Mr. Snerdley has now made YouTube. It just happened. I just ordered this done right before the program started so I have not even looked at it. Let me click the link. Let me see what it is because I don’t know what picture, if any, Koko used. (clicks) Oh! Oh! Oh, good! You gotta look at this. It’s a great picture of you we post on the website with your badge, Official Obama Criticizer, October 16th, 2009, Rush Limbaugh Show. It’s got the NFL logo and the Rams logo. And it’s five minutes and 36 seconds.
If you didn’t hear it, if you didn’t hear Snerdley’s rant on Friday about all this NFL stuff, avail yourself of the opportunity now.