Bam: Boston Cars Melt Ice Caps

by Rush Limbaugh - Sep 23,2009

RUSH: Here, grab audio sound bite 22. This is Obama last night at the fifth annual meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative. This is a portion of what Obama said.

OBAMA: Reckless speculation in any financial sector of the world where someone’s failure to pay a mortgage in Florida can contribute to a global recession that undermines all of us. Poverty in Somalia or the poppy fields in Afghanistan, the northbound flow of drugs from Columbia and the southbound flow of American guns and cash into Mexico. All this fuels violence that endangers each and every one of us. And a flu that starts in one country can become a pandemic that sickens millions.

RUSH: Listen to this.

OBAMA: Carbon emissions from cars in Boston and factories in Beijing are melting the ice caps and imperiling the planet.

RUSH: Can you believe that? Carbon emissions from cars in Boston and factories in Beijing are melting the ice caps and imperiling the planet. I just heard recently from our official climatologist, Dr. Roy Spencer, that the ice caps are reconstituting themselves to beyond the normal size, which nobody is surprised, these things happen. But cars, cars. That’s something you would read at the Democrat Underground posted by the lunatic of the day. That’s something you would read at the Huffing and Puffington Post by some deranged pseudocolumnist. Cars in Boston, factories in Beijing melting the ice caps and imperiling the planet. That’s something that lunatic fringe people say. But in this case it’s our president of the United States who is now the leader of the world’s kooks. He is one of them saying it at the Clinton Global Initiative, and the purpose of the Clinton Global Initiative is babes. They gather in New York, Clinton and his posse, they have their meeting in the daytime, get all this great PR, and then they hit the town and prowl. I was in a restaurant once during the Clinton Global Initiative. Clinton came in there and hit on my date while I was being distracted by the mayor of Los Angeles. I’ve told that story. The Clinton Global Initiative is about babes, pure and simple. Obama says the ice caps are being melted by cars in Boston. At least, you know, he coulda picked a Republican city to blame it on. He blamed it on people in Boston.