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RUSH: Karen in Wauconda, Illinois. Nice to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER: Hi, it’s so great to talk to you. You look smoking hot. Congratulations on the weight loss.

RUSH: Thank you. Thank you very much.

CALLER: You’re welcome. You’re very welcome. One of the things I’d like to hear would be more of Mr. Snerdley’s commentary from the hood.

RUSH: Oh, the Official Obama Criticizer.


RUSH: Well, you know what, I’m glad you reminded me of that. I’ll get Mr. Snerdley on that. We’ll do an Official Obama Criticizer segment on Monday because there’s going to be a lot to criticize. He’s on all five Sunday shows.

CALLER: That’s fantastic. Well, he’s a very talented man and I’d really even like to hear it be a regular segment.

RUSH: Do you know Snerdley?

CALLER: No. I don’t.

RUSH: Hm-hm.

CALLER: I promise. I just think it’s fantastic. I love hearing it. I think he’s very talented.

RUSH: Yeah. I do, too, there’s no question about it. Thanks, Karen.

CALLER: You’re welcome.

RUSH: Folks, how many talk shows do you listen to, if you do listen to any others, where you have callers praising the talent of the screener?

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