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RUSH: The liberals in the Drive-By Media once again are trying to ignite a race war between Obama and me and talk radio. So I think it’s very important. Let’s go back to February 22, 2008, you know, 16 months ago, maybe 18 months. I did the math fast in my head. Year-and-a-half. From me on this show, February 22, 2008.

RUSH ARCHIVE: ‘If Obama gets elected president wouldn’t it be good to get this done, Rush, and then we could end the civil rights squabbles that we’re having.’ It wouldn’t do that. Folks, it wouldn’t do that. It might even exacerbate them. Let me explain how. It takes somebody like me who can read the stitches on the fastball. Let us fast forward to January of 2009. Obama has been inaugurated president and he proposes his first bit of legislation. And let’s say that it’s, I don’t know, some civil rights oriented thing, and a bunch of people start howling. You know that the race industry can’t wait for this. Any criticism of Obama, the first black president, is going to be met with charges of racism by the likes of the Reverend Jackson and Sharpton. It will make their race business all that much more prominent.

RUSH: Okay, that’s enough. I just wanted you to get the flavor of my prediction, that the problems of race in this country would not at all be eliminated or ended because of his election, in fact, be exacerbated. So let’s move now to yesterday, NBC Nightly News, Andrea Mitchell, NBC News, Washington, did a report on the right wing’s racist attacks on the first black president. Now that he’s having trouble in the polls, it’s an all-out push to play the race card. Here’s her report. It’s a montage. Glenn Beck is in this and you’ll hear me.

MITCHELL: When the first African-American president criticized the police, his political opponents who have huge followings were off to the races, and to the commentators, at least, it was all about race.

BECK: This president I think has exposed himself as a guy over and over and over again who has a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture.

MITCHELL: Then there’s Rush Limbaugh.

RUSH ARCHIVE: Let’s face it, President Obama is black and I think he’s got a chip on his shoulder.

MITCHELL: So even though Barack Obama’s election was a milestone for the country, we have a long way to go.

RUSH: All right, so this is exactly what I knew was going to happen, and let’s not forget the incident that has ignited this. It was Obama and I said the day it happened he’s the one that struck the match and it’s so unfortunate. He’s the one doing the beer summit today to try to make this go away. He’s the one doing the beer summit bringing these two combatants in there and trying to make peace, smoke the peace pipe, or what have you. His comment about this was rooted in a racial attitude about racial profiling and even launched into a discussion. So now all of a sudden, the people who simply point this out, ‘Oh, such a shame, we have such a long way to go. Even though we have our first black president, we have such a long way to go,’ laments Andrea Mitchell.

Joan Walsh, the editor of Salon, was with Chris Matthews last night on his show. And remember, if Obama and Sonia Sotomayor make racist remarks and we call them on that, we’re only doing it because we are the real racists. See, that’s the template here. We are projecting our racism on the pure postracial messiah who is intent on absolving white people of their sins, this is the template and they’ve been waiting for this, I guarantee you, because that’s why I predicted it in February of 2008. So Matthews asks Joan Walsh, the editor-in-chief of Salon.com, ‘I think a lot of this is aimed at telling people who are racist on the other side, ‘Hey, you’re not so bad. He’s as bad as you, he’s a racist too.’

WALSH: I see it with both Glenn Beck and with Rush Limbaugh. There’s a clear case of projection here, w-where these guys — with really suspect racial feelings and perceptions — are projecting their own hate and their own divisiveness onto a president who, as you said, had a white mother, was raised by white grandparents, and there’s absolutely no evidence at all that he anything but loves white people. Obama got to where he was, in my opinion, largely because he makes white people feel like he knows we’re all trying really hard and we really like it when black people make us feel that way.

RUSH: Whoa, my goodness gracious! And who is it that’s got race pouring through their mind and bloodstream? Did you hear what she said? Largely Obama got where he is because he makes white people feel like he knows we’re all trying really hard, and we really like it when black people make us feel that way? And somehow I’m projecting race? I’m a commentator of a guy who accused a white cop of a racist act when it wasn’t. My point is, Obama, in fact in his book, and I think we’ve got the audio of it somewhere. I want you to play cut 5, and then I want you to get 16, 17 and 18. So let’s listen to Joan Walsh. Let me take a break ’cause I’m up against it. We’ll take a break and we’ll come back, this is Joan Walsh and then listen to Obama read from his own book.


RUSH: Okay, let’s go back to Joan Walsh on Hardball last night talking about all of this unfair racism that we ‘project’ on Obama.

WALSH: I see it with both Glenn Beck and with Rush Limbaugh. There’s a clear case of projection here, w-where these guys — with really suspect racial feelings and perceptions — are projecting their own hate and their own divisiveness onto a president who, as you said, had a white mother was raised by white grandparents; and there’s absolutely no evidence at all that he anything but loves white people. Obama got to where he was, in my opinion, largely because he makes white people feel like he knows we’re all trying really hard and we really like it when black people make us feel that way.

RUSH: Obama threw his own grandmother under the bus as ‘a typical white person.’ Remember? It was in the race speech, where he also threw Reverend Wright overboard. So Obama ‘got where he is because he makes white people feel like he knows we’re all trying really hard.’ What, not be racist? And ‘we really like it when black people make us feel that way.’ We really like it when black people tell us we know you’re not racist, is that what she’s saying? Yes, my friends, she’s saying that — and that’s as race-oriented as you can be. We conservatives are colorblind. We don’t even see people that way. He started it. Let’s go to the book. Now, we don’t have this particular bite, but I remember Obama in one of his books — and I’ve heard the audio portion of it, said, ‘The way you have to deal with white people…’ I’m paraphrasing. The way you have to deal with white people show ’em you’re not a threat and you mean them no harm and then everything is fine. He really loves white people. Here’s the first one. This is a portion of Obama reading from his book: Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance.

OBAMA: That’s just how white folks’ll do you. (sic) It wasn’t merely the cruelty involved. I was learning that black people could be mean and then some. It was a particular brand of arrogance, an obtuseness in otherwise sane people that brought forth our bitter laughter. It was as if whites didn’t know they were being cruel in the first place, or at least thought you deserving of their scorn.

RUSH: Oh, this sounds like a lot of love for white people. And here’s Obama bring up the book Heart of Darkness and what it taught him about white people and why white people hate.

OBAMA: So I read the book to help me understand what it is that makes white people so afraid. Their demons, the way ideas get twisted around. It helps me understand how people learn to hate.

RUSH: ‘So I read the book to help me understand what it is that makes white people so afraid. Their demons, the way ideas get twisted around. It helps me understand how people learn to hate.’ That doesn’t sound like a guy who loves white people, Ms. Walsh. These are his own words! He supposedly wrote these words and he now concludes by reading more from the book.

OBAMA: The emotions between the races could never be pure. Even love was tarnished by the desire to find in the other some element that was missing in ourselves. Whether we sought out our commons or our salvation, the other race would always remain just that: menacing, alien, and apart.

RUSH: Joan Walsh: ‘Obama got where he is because he makes white people feel like he knows we’re all trying really hard and we really like it when black people make us feel that way.’ What a dense, shallow person. (interruption) It is. It’s almost like the ‘Magic Negro’ thing. When you get down to it, Joan Walsh is almost saying, ‘Hey, you know, this is a guy that doesn’t scare us.’ Only she’s saying it in reverse: ‘We are the ones that don’t scare him.’ It’s like Joan… (interruption) No, it’s not magic. It’s Joan Walsh is the magic white. Joan Walsh is describing the magic white. Now, I just want to make sure I have this straight.

It turns out I am the racist. Now, you people have been listening to this program for 20 years. I have been hosting it for 20 years. I have never said, and you’ve never heard me call my grandmother ‘a typical white woman.’ You’ve never heard me call any black person ‘a typical black person.’ The truth is, Ms. Walsh, President Obama is so race-obsessed he writes a book about the father he never really knew subtitled ‘A Story of Race and Inheritance.’ He marries a woman who’s lucky enough to get into Princeton but writes a book about how she’s always an outsider in white culture. Then the two of them sit in Reverend Wright’s hate temple of black liberation theology for 20 years — and I am the one with the race problem, Ms. Walsh? The problem is people like you being in the media, Ms. Walsh.


RUSH: Diane in Santa Barbara, California. Great to have you here. Hello.

CALLER: Hi, Rush.


CALLER: Hi. You know, this whole beer gathering thing is to me seems like Obama just cutifying the whole issue and, you know, just kind of smooth it over and it’s just kind of getting annoying.

RUSH: Well, you know what’s going on here. This is a photo-op that’s designed to show Obama bringing the races together. All this is is a diminishing of the White House. This is not presidential. This is something that diminishes the office of the presidency. It’s all about him. It’s all about him trying to say and illustrate that he can bring about the end to this racial divide when he’s the one that caused all this and started it to reach the degree to which it has.


RUSH: Joan Walsh, editor-in-chief, Salon.com — also known as the ‘Magic Honky’ — is the real racist. The real racist is Ms. Joan Walsh with her race-based, maternalistic attitude toward black people who have, in her small little mind, no responsibility for their own actions. This flap over Gates and the cop, Sergeant Walsh, happened as a direct result of actions and words. Both Gates’ actions and Obama’s words. But that doesn’t matter a hill of beans for the Magic Honky, Joan Walsh, who see blacks as perpetual victims in need of her white protection. She sees black people as needing to constantly be reassured by her that she understands that they understand that she is trying real hard not to be a racist. Now let me share with you again from the book Dreams from My Father, A Story of Race and Inheritance.

That’s the title that Obama gave his book: Dreams from My Father, A Story of RACE and Inheritance. And again, Ms. Walsh, I have never on this program referred to anybody as a ‘typical black man’ or woman. Obama sat in Reverend Wright’s hate pit for 20 years. Obama called his own grandmother ‘a typical white woman.’ Page 94-95 of the book Dreams from My Father, A Story of Race and Inheritance: ‘It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned: People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves. They were more than satisfied; they were relieved — such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn’t seem angry all the time.’

That’s him describing an ‘effective tactic’ to deal with white people, who, according to the Magic Honky, Joan Walsh, loves white people. We’re waiting for the sequel to Dreams of My Father, A Story of Race and Inheritance. It’d be: ‘Dreams of My Typical White Grandmother.’ What I know some of you are saying, folks, because I have empathy. I know what you’re saying. ‘Rush, why do you spend so much time on this?’ Because for 21 years people like Joan Walsh, Chris Matthews, and whoever have been trying to label — not just me, but all of you who are conservative — as inherently racist just because of your political views. And here that doesn’t stand. The president of the United States tried doing that against me in the early nineties and now this bunch in the state-controlled media trying it again. This all happened because of actions by Gates and words by Obama.

RUSH: Here is Obama in his own words, describing his tactic in getting along with white people.

OBAMA: It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned: People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves. They were more than satisfied; they were relieved — such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn’t seem angry all the time.

RUSH: Yeah. But according to Magic Honky, Joan Walsh, he’s always loved white people. So there he is in his own words from his book, Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance. Well, clearly it’s how he fooled Biden. Biden, oh, it’s great we got this clean, articulate black guy finally running for president. That teed off Al Sharpton to no end. This is how he fooled Biden, no question. (interruption) Hm-hm. Don’t tempt me, H.R. Do not tempt me. No, no, no, no, no, no. You’re not suggesting I say that in reverse, are you? That’s right. That’s why you don’t have a microphone. I’m just going to say that that’s how H.R. approaches me, just make it look like I have nothing to fear from him.

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