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RUSH: Julian Epstein has appeared on an NBC cable channel this afternoon. Julian Epstein, Democrat strategerist, he spoke about President Bush criticizing Obama publicly last night on Guantanamo Bay and therapy for the inmates there. The question: ‘Julian, give me your take on Bush speaking out now.’

EPSTEIN: Republicans have not had an effective national spokesman, the head of the RNC has been a bit of a joke, it’s been basically Rush Limbaugh and Dick Cheney, two very unpopular figures, so the question is, ‘Is it effective?’ And I think the problem here is that President Bush is the personification of what most Americans think is everything that went wrong in the last eight years. So I don’t think it’s a particularly smart thing for the president to do. And for him to make these statements about therapy for Gitmo prisoners, the fact of the matter is Gitmo is a country club compared to what the Democrats want to do and putting them in high security prisons here in this country.

RUSH: That’s what I wanted you to hear. This is a very partisan Democrat strategist, Julian Epstein, he was one of the Clintonistas back during the impeachment days, he also happens to be leading the Democrat fight against Zicam. More on that later. This is the guy with a lawyer group. It’s very deceitful, this Zicam stuff, folks, someday I’m going to be able to tell you the truth about this. What the FDA did yesterday regarding Zicam is unprecedented. The FDA has never done before what it did yesterday. This is a company being targeted for, let’s face it, obvious reasons. But more on that later. Here we have Julian Epstein, huge Democrat strategist, saying the fact of the matter is, Gitmo is a country club compared to what the Democrats want to do in putting them in high security prisons here in this country. Now, that’s just absurd. What Julian Epstein is admitting here is the Democrats have a problem, soft on crime, soft on terrorism, weak on national defense. So his strategery is to go out there say, hey, we’re closing that place down because it was a country club, we’re going to put ’em in some really tough places, like on the beach in Bermuda.

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