Rush’s Morning Update: Incompetence June 9, 2009

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 8,2009

Rush’s Morning Update: Incompetence
June 9, 2009

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The Obama Administration is considering changing the law that applies to terrorists at Club Gitmo. The New York Times reports the changes to the law are detailed in a draft of legislation from Obama’s task force on detentions, and will be submitted for Congressional approval.

Obama’s new provisions would allow terrorists to plead guilty to their atrocities, and suffer the death penalty – without a trial. Under currently military law, defendants cannot plead guilty to capital crimes.

If the terrorists plead guilty, military prosecutors would avoid allegations that interrogations were too harsh. An associate professor at L.A.’s Loyola Law School, David Glazier, says the proposed changes strike him “as an effort to get rid of the problem in the easiest possible way.” He contends that if the law is changed it will “lack international credibility.”

We know the guilty – like the masterminds of the 9/11 attacks – are guilty. We know harsh interrogations saved American lives. Most of us know Club Gitmo is the ideal solution to keep the terrorists off the battlefield. But liberals – to damage Bush, and appease European whims – have allowed paranoia about “international credibility” to take precedence over national security, at every step.

Buy Obama’s guys are twisted in knots over Gitmo policies – because they destroyed a well-thought-out system put in place by Bush – without a plan of their own. Simply put: it’s incompetence – on parade!

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