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RUSH: Do you know how sick I am of Obama? I’m going to get to Obama. I’m going to get to the sham of a show in Germany. We’re going to talk more about the sham of a speech yesterday in Cairo. Did you see Angela Merkel standing next to the guy?

Put this in perspective. She was standing there, and she’s not happy because they’re not getting along and they haven’t gotten along ever. So there he is, he’s at Buchenwald today, the concentration camp, and he is beating Germany up, he’s ripping them to shreds over something they did 60 years ago, one day after praising all of Islam. Now, can you imagine — and, of course, Elie Wiesel gets up there and he does his thing. We’re 65 years here, or close to it, and so she’s up there, and the look on her face, it was more than just solemnity on her face. Trust me, my friends, I know these things. And he’s up there and he’s ripping Germany for what it did 60, 65 years ago, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. One day after praising to the hilt Islam and talking about how America is a Muslim nation and so forth. Trust me on this. She wasn’t happy. If you get a chance to see video of it you’ll see what I mean.


RUSH: Today in Buchenwald, the concentration camp in Germany, Barack Obama made his usual Barack Obama speech, ripping Germany, ripping it to shreds for things that happened 60, 65 years ago. This came one day after lauding Islam around the world. Angela Merkel, the chancellor, prime minister of Germany, president, whatever she’s called, the look on her face, if you get a chance to see it, she’s steaming. She’s not a big Obama fan anyway, and you’ll see what I’m talking about when you watch the videotape. Let’s go to audio sound bites about this. Government-run NBC, obviously, got an exclusive with Barack Obama while there. Tom Brokaw interviewed Obama, and they had this exchange.

BROKAW: What can the Israelis learn from your visit to Buchenwald and what should they be thinking about their treatment of Palestinians?

OBAMA: Well, look there’s no equivalency here, but I do think that, given the extraordinary moral traditions of Judaism, the potential power of empathy that arises out of having gone through such historic hardships, that that will ultimately give the people of Israel the strength and purpose to seek a just and lasting peace. And that, I believe, will involve creating two states side by side with peace and security.

RUSH: I don’t know about you, this question outrages me, and the answer outrages me. Tom Brokaw’s question: ‘What can the Israelis learn from your visit to Buchenwald, and what should they be thinking about their treatment of Palestinians? Now, to his credit, Obama said, there’s no equivalency there, Tom. Then there’s always the ‘but.’ But I do think — that should have been the end of the answer. But then he went on to say, ‘But I do think that given the extraordinary moral traditions of Judaism, the potential power of empathy that arises out of having gone through such historic hardships that that will ultimately give the people of Israel the strength and the purpose to seek a just and lasting peace, and that, I believe, will involve creating two states side by side with peace and security.’ Now, anybody who’s paid attention to this for the past 60 years knows that the Israelis have bent over forwards and backwards to try to come up and do things that the world has asked them to do to forge peace. They have given up land, they have been attacked. When they were attacked, they were victorious and they conquered land. They gave it back.

Israel is a nine-mile-wide country at its narrowest point. Israel can see all of its neighbors from the Golan Heights. Now, the idea that the Israelis are the ones that have to do something here to seek a just and lasting peace is offensive as possible. Because, you see, the Limbaugh Doctrine, peace results from one thing, and that’s victory. We have been going through this mess of Middle East peace for I don’t know how long, and back in the nineties, Bill Clinton gave Yasser Arafat everything Arafat was demanding, and he still rejected it because Palestinian leaders do not want a state side by side with Israel. They want no Israel. Everybody involved in this knows that. All of this is such a phony baloney, plastic banana, good-time rock ‘n’ roll political game. That question by Brokaw is an indication of the government-run media’s impression of the Israeli-Palestinian fight, that there may as well be the Israelis engaging in their own reverse Holocaust now. I get really frustrated.

The Israelis do not bomb themselves on buses with Palestinian kids aboard. They don’t strap their four-year-olds with bombs and send them into the Palestinian territories and say, ‘Blow yourself up, kid.’ They don’t do these things. It happens to them. And then when they fight back, they’re accused of atrocities. They sit there and they’ll take a barrage of missiles launched from Lebanon for days and not do a thing, then they’ll respond and all of a sudden the world says the Israelis are reacting out of proportion. What they mean is the Israelis should aim their missiles as horribly as the Palestinians aim theirs. These Hamas missiles and Hezbollah missiles from Lebanon mostly miss their targets but they’re still harassment and they still pose a great threat. The Israeli missiles don’t miss the target. The world gets mad. I don’t know how they keep their patience. I don’t know how they keep their decorum, but I’ll tell you this. This whole business of President Obama saying, ‘Well, you know, given the extraordinary moral traditions of Judaism, the potential power of empathy that arises out of having gone through such historic hardships, that will ultimately give the people of Israel the strength and’ — ultimately? Ultimately? You mean eventually, as though they’re not existing with strength and a sense of purpose now?

You know, you can say what you want. I don’t care what you think of the Israelis. And I don’t care what your religious attitudes are toward the Israeli people. But there’s one thing that can’t be denied, and that is that they have been, as a race of people, subjected to holocaust and genocide throughout much of their existence, and it has not torn them apart; they have not lost their moral code; they have not lost their sense of decency. None of what Obama implied about them here is true, that they somehow have to summon that? That’s the reason they still exist today, is because they have not fallen apart as a result of all that’s happened to them. One day after delivering a speech that talks about all the contributions to the world from Islam and all of it was made up? I don’t know if you saw the second half, the second installment of my interview with Sean Hannity on Fox last night, but I said as clearly as I could, Barack Obama’s got something against Israel. Now, if you look at who mentored him, Jeremiah Wright, you’ll find there’s a guy who’s got something against Israel.

Louis Farrakhan, not only does Louis Farrakhan have something against Israel, he’s got something against the Jewish people. I don’t know where Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn come down on that, but I do know that they’re radicals and they don’t like the country, and all the people that Obama hung around with at an impressionable age didn’t like the country. And most of the people that probably taught him in college had their own view of the parts of this country that fall short or don’t measure up. His exposure to both the history and the reality of this country has been negative. And that’s why I think when he’s up there today and he’s just harping on how rotten Germany was 65 years ago — we all know this now, the world knows this. One day after going through the motions of praising the greatness of Islam and the Muslims, Angela Merkel, the look on her face, it did not sit well. Let’s go back, in fact. I said, to his credit, Obama refuted the premise of Brokaw’s question. Brokaw’s question, what should the Israelis be thinking about their treatment of Palestinians? Obama said, ah, there’s no equivalency there. But let’s go be back. Here’s what he said in Cairo yesterday.

OBAMA: Six million Jews were killed, more than the entire Jewish population of Israel today. Denying that fact is baseless, it is ignorant, and it is hateful. On the other hand, it is also undeniable that the Palestinian people, Muslims and Christians, have suffered in pursuit of a homeland. For more than 60 years, they’ve endured the pain of dislocation.

RUSH: Now, there is the time-honored Obama technique. Go ahead and say something that’s correct and then ‘but, on the other hand,’ which then equates what comes next with what he said first. So there he is equating whatever problems the Palestinians had in the quest for a homeland for 60 years. They coulda had one at a number of points in the last 60 years. Their leaders rejected it. So he did compare in his own way the Holocaust to the 60-year plight of Palestinians. One more here before we go to the break. I wish I had saved the story. It must have been earlier this week. Obama’s gonna quote his uncle in this next bite. And there are stories — Koko, you’re going to have to find them. I mean they’re out there. I didn’t print them out ’cause I just wanted to commit them to memory. But the uncle he cites says, and it’s in a number of places, that he’s never talked to Obama about Buchenwald, he’s never talked to Obama about it, and Obama doesn’t call him. They don’t talk. So here’s the question from Tom Brokaw: ‘Tomorrow the president goes to Normandy to commemorate the 65th anniversary of that invasion, and when we talked today he reminded me that he had been raised effectively by his grandparents both in their own way veterans of World War II and the lessons that they imparted.’

OBAMA: My grandfather used to regale me with stories about his travels and what it meant to be in — in the Army. It’s a humbling experience, and it reminds me not to complain, because I think as difficult as things are now, and they are tough, especially for individual families, it’s never easy if you lose a job or you lose a home, as a nation, there’s nothing that we’re going through that compares to the sheer deprivation that existed during the Great Depression and, frankly, the dangers that existed during World War II. And, boy, what FDR had to deal with and how touch-and-go things were at so many different junctures during that war is something that I am mindful of at all times.

RUSH: This is not the bite I had in mind. He has said numerous times that he’s talked to his uncle, not his grandfather, his uncle about Buchenwald and people are sending me the story now. Let me take a break, I’ll find that. In this bite he makes the visit to Buchenwald all about him and his family. It’s just narcissistic. And he compares himself, of course, to FDR.


RUSH: All right, here’s the stuff on the uncle. Now, there are two stories. One’s in the UK Telegraph. The other is in an interview with Der Spiegel in Germany. Here is what Obama said. This was on the campaign trail. ‘I had an uncle who was part of the first American troops to go into Auschwitz and liberate the concentration camps, and the story in our family was that when he came home he just went up to the attic. He didn’t leave the house for six months.’ Now, let’s see. I guess the UK Telegraph says, ‘Through our own research and Obama’s later correction, we eventually discovered he had meant to say ‘Buchenwald’ rather than ‘Auschwitz,” but then let’s go to Der Spiegel interview. Spiegel says: ‘Mr. Payne, early in June your great-nephew, President Barack Obama, will visit the former concentration camp Buchenwald, which you helped liberate at the end of the war. Will he be traveling in your footsteps?’

Charles Payne, the great-uncle: ‘I don’t buy that. I was quite surprised when the whole thing came up and Barack talked about my war experiences in Nazi Germany. We had never talked about that before. This is a trip that he chose, not because of me I’m sure, but for political reasons.’ So today he changes the story to his grandfather who told him about World War II, because his first effort to say his uncle had told him all about it blew up by his uncle saying, ‘Nah, we never talked about it.’
Spiegel: ‘What do you think could be his motives for this trip?’ The great-uncle: ‘First, I think he already had this trip in mind — with Cairo on the one end and Normandy at the other, and time for Germany in between. Second, perhaps his visit also has something to do with improving his standing with Angela Merkel. She gave him a hard time during his campaign and also afterwards.’

Spiegel: ‘At first Mr. Obama claimed that one of his family members was involved in the liberation of Auschwitz. How did this misunderstanding come about?’ The great-uncle: ‘He couldn’t have gotten it from me since we had never talked about this particular episode in the war. My sister and her husband were both great storytellers and sometimes made up the details to go along with it. They told him about my deployment with the 89th Infantry Division and apparently they mixed up a few details. Of course it came out immediately that he was wrong since there are enough people in America who know that Auschwitz is in the East and that the camp was liberated by the Red Army.’ Spiegel: ‘Afterwards, Obama called you. What did he want to know?’ The great-uncle: ‘He wanted to know where this camp was that I had helped liberate. I told him that it was Ohrdruf and that it was a subcamp of the Buchenwald concentration camp. I described a little bit of what I had seen.’

So he called after. Anyway, the uncle never talked to him about it. So the story yesterday became his grandfather told him all about it, World War II and so forth. Now, my father was in World War II, and a lot of his friends. We couldn’t get them to talk about it. I’ve mentioned this on the program before. We could not get him to talk about it. You know, we were kids, and my dad flew P-51s in China-Burma, and we’re kids, ‘Hey, Dad, how many of the enemy did you shoot down?’ He would not talk about it, and his friend Dr. Kinder, he spent some time, I think he was in the Navy. He would not talk about it. So I think this is just narcissism. Obama just has to place himself somehow — by indirect family presence or friend presence, he has to place himself because of his narcissism — at the center of every place he’s going. (interruption) Well, Clinton used to do the same thing, I know. It must be in the Democrat Party playbook: this is how you empathize with people.


RUSH: I was wrong, folks, and I will admit that I’m wrong when it happens. It’s not very often so it’s not a problem. Obama did mention his uncle, his great uncle, who told Der Spiegel and the UK Telegraph he has never talked to Obama about his experiences liberating concentration camps. This morning in Germany, after visiting Buchenwald, Obama said this.

OBAMA: I’ve known about this place since I was a boy hearing stories, uhh, about my great uncle, who was a very young man, uh, serving in World War II. He was part of the 89th Infantry Division, the first Americans to reach a concentration camp. Eh, they liberated Ohrdruf, one of Buchenwald’s subcamps. And I’ve told this story, he returned from service in a state of shock, uh, saying little and isolating himself for months on end from family and friends, uh, along with the painful memories that would not leave his head.

RUSH: His uncle has told the UK Telegraph and Der Spiegel, ‘I don’t know how he knows this. I’ve never talked to him about it.’ (sigh) I said he talked to his grandfather, and he did when he was talking to Brokaw. I said he had changed from his uncle to his grandfather because the stories are confused, but I was wrong. He did mention his uncle today in the speech.


RUSH: One more story here about Barack Obama at Buchenwald today. Actually it was in Weimar, Germany. This is from government-run AP: ‘President Barack Obama witnessed the Nazi ovens of the Buchenwald concentration camp Friday, its clock tower frozen at the time of liberation. … ‘Buchenwald teaches us,’ Obama said, ‘that we must be ever-vigilant about the spread of evil in our own time, that we must reject the false comfort that others’ suffering is not our problem, and commit ourselves to resisting those who would subjugate others to serve their own interests.’ Evil must be confronted, Obama said. Somebody help me out. Did he say that in Cairo yesterday? Are you sure, Mr. Snerdley? Are you sure he didn’t say evil must be confronted in his speech in Cairo? My memory is like yours, my memory is that was not a theme, it was not a focal point. This is why I think Angela Merkel was fuming standing there next to the guy. He’s sitting there ripping Germany for 65 years ago, one day after going to the county seat of militant terrorism around the world, the Middle East, and doesn’t talk about evil. If I were Merkel, I’d be mad, too. I’m mad as it is!

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