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Rush’s Morning Update: Culture
January 29, 2009

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While Washington Democrats are pushing through their trillion-dollar “porkulus” spending spree,Democrats elsewhere are fighting other battles.

Two weeks ago, the Democrat Mayor of Baltimore, Sheila Dixon, was indicted on a variety of charges– for one, that she stole gift cards donated to the city to help needy kids and used them to buy game consoles and a digital camcorder for herself. Aside from theft, she faces perjury, fraud, and misconduct charges. Democrat Mayor Dixonhas vowed to stay in office to “fight” for the people. (And to keep her stuff.)

In Hartford Connecticut, Democrat Mayor Eddie Perez– a one-time gang leader– was arrested for bribery. He’s accused of getting his house remodeled by a city contractor and not bothering to pay for it…until, that is, state investigators started nosing around. Democrat Mayor Eddie sayshe didn’t commit a crime,and he, too, is vowing to stay in office. (And in the remodeled house.)

In Portland, Oregon, Democrat Mayor Sam Adams has admitted that he asked a teenage boy to lie about their sexual tryst. During the election campaign, Adams denied having sex with him. The boy was an underage legislative intern when he and the 46-year-old Democrat mayor first met. Democrat Mayor Adams, too, vows to remain in office; he says he’s going to get back to work harder (hee, hee, hee) than he ever has– for the people.

Thenthere’s Blago. Charlie Rangel. William Jefferson. Timothy Geithner. But I’m out of time,so this installment of the “culture of Democrats”must end here.

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