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RUSH: Obama got really ticked off, got really annoyed last night. He went down to the pressroom in the White House, and the Drive-Bys dared to ask him a real question when he was out there glad-handing!

REPORTER: Mr. President, how do you reconcile Mr. Lynn…?

OBAMA: Uh, oh, see? You guys! I came down here today —

REPORTER: (continued insolence)

OBAMA: I — I — I came down here today — I didn’t come down here to answer questions.

REPORTER: You have very strict lobbying rules, but Mr. Lynn was a lobbyist, sir.

OBAMA: All right. See you.

OBAMA HANDLER: Don’t worry, guys! We’ll… We’ll, uh…

OBAMA: This is what happens if — if — I — I can’t end up visiting you guys and shake your hands if, uh, I’m going to get grilled every time I come down. We will be having a press conference, at which time you can feel free to answer the questions.

OBAMA HANDLER: ASK more questions. (nervous laugh)

OBAMA: Right now I just wanted to say hello and — and — and introduce myself to you guys. That’s all I was trying to do.

RUSH: So he didn’t want to answer the question. You’re not supposed to ask The Messiah questions unless he’s cleared it. The guy was saying, ‘How can you put this guy in there as a deputy DoD guy when he’s a lobbyist, and you got new rules saying you’re not going to have any lobbyists?’ He shoulda just said, ‘Well, rules are made to be broken. We need to give ourselves flexibility. We have reasonable rules with reasonable exceptions to them.’ That’s what they said yesterday. I would counsel Obama (I’m sure Greg Craig will get to him on this, too, but I would counsel Obama), don’t sweat this little stuff. Don’t get all irritated here with this. On the big issues, like socializing the country, these Drive-Bys are going to be right there with you, Barry. You got nothing to worry about.


RUSH: Maureen Dowd on Larry King Live last night. She has a column, she had dinner with Obama much like the conservative columnists did, here’s what she said about it.

DOWD: It’s not more fun if, you know, Obama, as he does sometimes already, gets a little snippy with me about something I’ve written, you’re thinking, ‘Oh, gosh, the president of the United States is already annoyed with me.’

KING: What, does he call you?

DOWD: No, no, but, you know, we had a session with him the other day, and he was trying to make clear that just because sometimes he doesn’t react or whatever doesn’t mean that he’s weak. It just means that he has a very even temperament and so you should be careful how you characterize him.

RUSH: Yeah, we’ve seen evidence of this because Obama once told her that references to his large ears made him nervous, he didn’t like that. I don’t think she ever referred to his large ears ever again. King says, ‘Has Obama called you?’ ‘No, but we had a session with him, trying to make clear that just because sometimes he doesn’t react or whatever doesn’t mean that he’s weak, it just means that he has a very even temperament so we should be careful how we characterize him,’ that’s what he said, ‘be careful because you might get me wrong.’ They’re whipped. I mean, it’s pure PW, no question, it’s pure PW out there, they are pathetic. They’ve totally caved. I mean, it’s a cult.


RUSH: I want to replay this Maureen Dowd sound bite. This sounds like… She’s getting to sound more and more like Helen Thomas, which ain’t good. You see if you think the same thing.

DOWD: It’s not more fun if, you know, Obama — as he does sometimes already — gets a little snippy with me about something I’ve written. You’re thinking, ‘Oh, gooosh, (cackling) the president of the United States is already annoyed with me.’

KING: What, does he call you?

DOWD: No, no! But, you know, we had a session with him the other daaaaay, and —

RUSH: All right, that’s enough. She sounds dangerously close to Helen Thomas. She is. She is speaking from her throat. (rare, nasal Maureen Dowd impression) She’s speaking from her nose held like that. ‘You can make yourself sound nasal like I’m doing right now. That, it’s an elitist manner of speaking. Mr. Limbaugh, you don’t understand the proper manner. We elites have learned to be hoity-toity. Our noses are in the air anyway and why not speak through them? It’s just exactly just like Susan Hoerchner. You remember her during the Clarence Thomas hearings. Ah, Judge Hoerchner, Susan Hoerchner. If I’m Maureen Dowd, I speak the same way, ’cause this is how we sound smarter and more educated than you.’

I, on the other hand, ladies and gentlemen, breathe from the diaphragm. I do not speak through the throat or the nose.

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