Rush’s Morning Update: Warning! January 23, 2009

by Rush Limbaugh - Jan 22,2009

Rush’s Morning Update: Warning!
January 23, 2009

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Well, by executive order, our new president– meeting the expectations of the far left– has ordered ClubGitmo closed…without first having a plan in place to deal with the terrorists who’ve been kept there.

By executive order, our new president– acceding to the demands of the far left– has removed from the CIAthe means to extract life-saving information from known terrorists…even though it was rarely used,and, more importantly, has actually worked to disrupt terror plots against American citizens.

And by executive order, our new president– bowing to the pressure of the far left– has made it more difficult for past presidents and vice presidents to keep information classified; this was done primarily to give radicals in his own party a new weapon to go after George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.

The Drive-By Media, as expected, are not “connecting the dots” between the policies of the Bush administrationand the safety this nation enjoyed after the 9/11 attacks. Sadly, many key Republicans are too afraidto objectto all this — even though they know the dangers these executive orders present.

During the presidential transition period, pundits on both sides of the aisle convinced each other that the incoming Obama administration would be centrist,not partisan ideologues;I told you thenit was nonsense. The opening days of this administration are proving me right. That’s not a consolation, folks–it is a warning. Don’t doubt me.

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