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Rush’s Morning Update: Infestation
January 19, 2009

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On this, the last full business day of the Bush administration, let me bring to your attention a recent Drive-By articlehighlighting a practice they call “burrowing.”

President Bush– like every president before him– has made political appointments that will outlive his term, placing people in career positions in government. This bothers John Gage,who heads the American Federation of Government Employees –probably the largest government union in the world. Gage complains that “there needs to be transparency,” because President Bush’s “guys have been burrowing in for the past two years.”

Mr. Gage. You liberals haven’t burrowed into government; you’ve infested it! For decades!With no transparency, no accountability, and no oversight! You’ve sabotaged every Republican administration with leaks –and Lord knows what else –for as long as anyone can remember. So try to get over it!

Let me also use this occasion to thank President Bushon behalf of the American people– even some of you leftists,who won’t have the class or courage to do it yourselves. While I haven’t agreed with everything he’s done,one thing is indisputable:this president has kept the nation safe,following the worst attack ever on our soil. And, under personal assault from Day One, he comported himself with a class and grace that other men in his position could not match (including Obama). Mr. President,thank you, and we love you.

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