
Rush Limbaugh

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RUSH: Now, Snerdley has asked a good question. Rare, but good question. When it doesn’t work, aren’t the American people going to blame the guy in charge? Well, who’s that going to be? Obama? I am surprised at this question. I’m surprised that you would ask this question. Do you think the American people are going to blame Obama?

Let me tell you what’s going to happen. Mark this date down, January 9th, 2009. Within a week — ’cause it’s already actually started — within a week of the Immaculate Inauguration, we’re going to start seeing stories that will feature those man-on-the-street interviews with people whose lives are starting to get a little bit better and they see the light at the end of the tunnel now. They go on more job interviews and they are doing a little bit better. The Drive-Bys will start setting the stage to create the impression in the minds of people that we’re coming back, when we’re not. Just as they try to set up this mood that we’re going to hell in a handbasket when we’re not, notice how that works. That convinces people, the old sawbuck, ‘Well, I’m doing fine, but I’m hearing on the news my neighbor is about to lose his job, we’re in trouble here.’ So how does it play when you’re outta work, but you hear that other people are getting jobs? If you are an Obama voter, you think your time is just around the corner, you gotta be patient because he’s already working, his plan is already working.

Snerdley, why would people who voted for Obama on the basis of vibes, good feelings, and all this meaninglessness, all of a sudden turn substantive? No, no, no, no, no, no, no. They’re not going to lose their homes. There was a piece of legislation being debated now to keep ’em in there. They’re not going to lose their homes. The only people that are going to lose their homes are people that can afford to pay for it, but for some reason don’t. There will be people out of work, but there will be hope, because there’s change. And this attitude of hope will sustain people through the bad times ’cause Obama is there. You’ve gotta understand how the media is going to portray this, and then to the extent that that doesn’t work on everybody, there’s always, ‘It was much worse than we knew because of Bush.’ Remember, Bush is going to be a whipping boy. I would love to say that you’re right, that the American people, not going to take ’em too long to figure out that this is bogus, this guy sold them a bill of goods, that their economic situation is in the toilet, somebody’s about to hit the flusher, and they’re gonna want change and so forth again, but it took four years for that to materialize with Jimmy Carter, and Jimmy Carter ain’t no Barack Obama in terms of being able to hypnotize people while he speaks.


RUSH: Perhaps if there are people in the audience… Those of you out there who happen to agree with Snerdley and disagree with me, who believe that the American people will not put up with economic failure for very long and will get mad at Obama, may I remind you of the reputation Franklin Delano Roosevelt has to this day among people who voted for him? Franklin Delano Roosevelt did an Obama and prolonged the Great Depression by seven years. He won two terms and nearly got away with packing the Supreme Court. The war came along, but there were seven years, there were seven years of abject misery before the war came along during the Great Depression, when the New Deal was put into place. As my buddy Steve Gilbert reminds me, people were singing songs of joy back then. ‘We’re in the money now. We’re in the money now,’ and unemployment was at 25%.

It was much higher than what we have today. And if you think, if you think a demagogic, flowery-spoken candidate or president with an accomplice media can’t convince people things are great when they’re bad, you’ve got another think coming. If they can convince ’em things are horrible when they’re good, the opposite’s also possible. To this day people who were alive and voted for Roosevelt think he’s the greatest president we ever had, and not because of World War II. It’s because of Social Security, because of Medicaid, because of the New Deal. So don’t doubt me. Don’t think the American people that voted for this guy are going to turn on him in two years. I’m sorry to be depressing, but it’s realistic. It gives you an idea. There’s good in everything that happens. This is a profound opportunity we have here. It will all unfold as we lead our way back to prominence here.

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