Geraldo Rivera: The Grim Reaper

by Rush Limbaugh - Dec 11,2008

RUSH: I think that I have discovered, I think I have found out just who the grim reaper is. We’ve all heard of the grim reaper. You see the grim reaper, you know that death is near, it’s there. And, ladies and gentlemen, I am convinced, it just hit me here at the top of the hour, they’re watching the news monitors in Snerdley’s office, and as you may have heard, they have discovered the skeletal remains of the little girl Caylee. They think — it’s not confirmed — but they think they have found Caylee Anthony near Orlando, near her home.

And right there telling us about it is Geraldo Rivera.

Now, Geraldo Rivera works weekends at Fox, and this is Thursday, this is not the weekend. So what it means is that they’ve found somebody’s remains, speed dial Geraldo. Whenever you see Geraldo Rivera on Fox News it’s death, destruction, somebody’s died, somebody’s dead. Death on Fox, you can guarantee Geraldo Rivera gets the speed call to show up and get on camera, even if he doesn’t have time to put on a tie. I think we’ve identified the grim reaper.