CNN Lies to Damage McCain

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 22,2008

RUSH: CNN is now even lying. And this is something, by the way, they need to apologize for — although even if they do, yip yip yip yip yahoo. It’s going to matter less. We’re talking about here the reporter Drew Griffin and his recent interview with Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. Here was his question.

GRIFFIN: The National Review had a story saying that, you know, ‘I can’t tell if Sarah Palin is incompetent, stupid, unqualified, corrupt, or all of the above.’

PALIN: Who wrote that one?

GRIFFIN: That — that was in the National Review.

PALIN: Who wrote it?

GRIFFIN: I don’t have the author but they were —

PALIN: Who wrote it? I’d like to talk to that person.

GRIFFIN: But they were —

RUSH: All right, in the first place, nobody posted that at National Review. Byron York wrote it, but he said something quite different — and it was posted someplace else. What Byron actually wrote was, ‘Watching press coverage of the Republican candidate for vice president, it’s sometimes hard to decide whether Sarah Palin is incompetent, stupid, unqualified, corrupt, backward, or, well, all of the above.’ He was talking about the kind of press coverage that she has received. He was not describing her. Listen again. This is what he wrote: ‘Watching press coverage of the Republican candidate for VP, it’s sometimes hard to decide whether Sarah Palin’s incompetent, stupid, unqualified, corrupt, backward,’ or whatever else. Now, let’s go back and listen, cut 19 again. Now that you know what Byron York wrote, listen to Drew Griffin make a mockery of journalism.

GRIFFIN: The National Review had a story saying that, you know, ‘I can’t tell if Sarah Palin is incompetent, stupid, unqualified, corrupt, or all of the above.’

PALIN: Who wrote that one?

GRIFFIN: That — that was in the National Review.

PALIN: Who wrote it?

GRIFFIN: I don’t have the author but they were —

PALIN: Who wrote it? I’d like to talk to that person.

GRIFFIN: But they were —

RUSH: So this is what the media has come to, and this is just one example. There are many others. ‘CNN reported yesterday incorrectly that the McCain Camp is ceding Colorado to … Barack Obama. The report by CNN on the Colorado election was not true,’ and what made this ‘even more profoundly wrong was that CNN published this report and Sarah Palin was setting all-time attendance records in Grand Junction, Colorado: 22,000 supporters showed up to see her break a Grand Junction record. Todd Palin making four campaign stops in western Colorado and Denver.’ While all this is going on, the media — CNN twice now — tries to report that Republicans are criticizing Palin in National Review, which they’re not; at least not as being described here by Drew Griffin at CNN.

Now they’re trying to suppress the Colorado vote by saying that the McCain camp is ceding Colorado to Obama, and they have said the same thing about other places as well. So, you know, this is par for the course. It’s what’s been happening. It will continue to happen as this election continues to unfold.