Bill Ayers Audio Unearthed

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 22,2008

RUSH: Okay, we’ve got an audio sound bite from Bill Ayers coming up from April 12th of 2002 on a FM radio station in California. We have a 40-second bite here. It’s actually a long, long bite that’s loaded with all kinds of stuff, but we have one bite here that will do. I want to ask you a question. I’m sure you’ve heard Bill Ayers mentioned, the Weather Underground terrorist who blew up the Pentagon. You know, Obama and Osama bin Laden have one thing in common, at least: They both have friends who bombed the Pentagon. It’s undeniable; it’s a fact. It may sound funny to you; it’s not to me. But a lot of people don’t want to take Ayers seriously. ‘Oh, come on, Rush! He’s a sixties guy.’ How many of you see Bill Ayers and his ilk as just a bunch of harmless hippies who never grew up?

You know, these harmless little tie-dyed crazy guys living in Volkswagen buses with peace signs painted on them. You know, Arlo Guthrie, Alice’s Restaurant! We just laugh at them. Do you have the image from Forrest Gump when he finds the love of his life, Jenny, hanging out with a bumbling of long-haired maggot infested freaks in a van doing assorted Timothy Leary drugs and flashing peace signs saying, ‘Make love, not war’? You might have even dabbled in that culture yourself back in the seventies. We all did a little, except for me. I wanted no part of it. Ever. I, to this day, do not own a pair of blue jeans because of that. You probably still even have a tie-dyed T-shirt in the attic with a pair of bell bottoms. You picture yourself with long hair saying, ‘Never trust anybody over 30.’

But now your kids are over 30! We have Hanoi Jane smiling on that anti-aircraft gun while McCain was in the Hanoi Hilton. And the counterculture says, ‘Oh, that’s the good old days!’ Can we say ‘counterculture’ or is that racist now? I know we can’t say ‘socialist’; that’s racist. Now, most of us grew out of this phase. Well, most of you grew out of the stupid garbage. I never played in it. Guess what? Not everybody did. Ayers and his hardcore ilk, including a young Obama and Michelle (My Belle), simply went incognito and underground. By the way, next week we’re going to play an interview. I’ve never done this. We interviewed Stanley Kurtz, I did, of National Review Online, The Ethics and Public Policy Center. He’s done the job the Drive-Bys used to do on people, looking into Barack Obama.

We’re going to play parts of that interview next week in advance of the issue in which it will appear coming out. Some people ask, ‘How can you cannibalize yourself?’ It’s important. And one of the things he said that I was not fully aware of, I’ve been under the impression that Obama arrived in Chicago a little innocent waif who had some ideas about what he wanted to do, but somehow was discovered by all these leftist radicals. When in fact it’s the other way around! Obama arrived in Chicago as a radical ideologue and set out finding the people he needed to find and get to know, to move his agenda and vision forward. It was Obama who found Ayers. Now, it may well be that Ayers got his career going by hosting a fundraiser in his house, but it was Obama who found these people. It was Obama who found Jeremiah Wright. Obama’s not the innocent little guy who’s been corrupted by these leftist radicals.

He is one of them, and you will hear it all as Stanley Kurtz explains it brilliantly when we get into this next hour. A lot of these radicals have blended and modified their outward appearance so that they could go unseen but they held fast to their radical views: unadulterated socialism, the overthrow of capitalism. Now, remember, journalists and academics live in a world of zero quantitative measurement. They spend their days contemplating their navels, resenting the achievers. They teach each other this. It’s a mantra they keep saying to themselves. Bill Ayers is as radical as he ever was! Obama, I don’t care if he says he was only eight when Ayers did this stuff, he’s known Ayers all of his life! He shared an office with Bill Ayers and ACORN, I think, for three years. Do you think sharing an address, they might have run into each other in three years? So here’s the Ayers sound bite. The audio is not all that hot, but you’ll be able to hear it. Now, keep in mind: seven days later, after this, Ayers appeared with Obama on a panel.

AYERS: I considered myself partly an anarchist then and I consider myself partly an anarchist now. I mean, I am as much an anarchist as I am a Marxist, um, which is to say I find a lot of the ideas in anarchism, you know, appealing and I’m very open about what I think, nobody here surprised by what I think. The struggle over various religious fundamentalism it’s jihad being, you know, the most visible. But the religious fundamentalism of the Christians and of the Jews is equally troubling. Is one of the regrets that I took extreme measures against the United States at a time of tremendous crisis? No, it’s not. I don’t regret that.

RUSH: Unrepentant. This is April 12th, 2002, and Obama served with him on a panel just seven days later. Do I need to read the transcript? Were you able to get all that? Were you able to hear it all? I’m not going to play it again. I’m going to read the transcript for those of you who were unable to hear it. He said, ‘I considered myself partly an anarchist then and I consider myself partly an anarchist now. I mean, I am as much an anarchist as I am a Marxist, which is to say I find a lot of the ideas in anarchism, you know, appealing and I’m very open about what I think. Nobody here surprised by what I think. The struggle over various religious fundamentalism it’s jihad being, you know, the most visible. But the religious fundamentalism of the Christians and of the Jews is equally troubling. Is one of the regrets that I took extreme measures against the United States at a time of tremendous crisis? No, it’s not. I don’t regret that.’

Obama claims he thought the guy was ‘rehabilitated.’ He’s lying through his teeth! He knows the guy hasn’t been rehabilitated. He knows that Michael Klonsky, an avowed communist and a good friend of Obama’s, has not been rehabilitated. He knows that Jeremiah Wright has not been rehabilitated, despite being thrown under the bus. He knows that all of his other associations are just out of the Ayers book. He sought them out. He, Obama, found them. Obama is the window dressing, and this is what is so frustrating about the so-called intellectuals in the conservative media falling out now and lining up with Obama, and they’re doing it over style! These are supposedly the smartest people in the conservative movement, and they’re falling prey to style: Obama’s slickness, his communicative skills. It has nothing to do with what he says, what his substance is — and they know it. They know it! They just don’t think he’ll actually be this, what he actually is.