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Rush’s Morning Update: Murtha
October 17, 2008

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Folks, maybe it’stime to change the state slogan, “You’ve got a friend in Pennsylvania”,to something like: “You’ve got a friend in Pennsylvania…if you’re a working-class racist slimeball Democrat.”

Now, don’t misunderstand; that’snotmy view of Pennsylvanians –it’s the view of Pennsylvania Democrat JackMurtha. Congressman Murtha told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: “There is no question that western Pennsylvania is a racist area.” And Murtha should know these western Pennsylvania Democratsbecause they’re”his” people –the very voters who keep returning him to Congress. As AP Obama explains, “The working-class region is a key battleground in Pennsylvania. The area is struggling economically, and has a high percentage of veterans[.]”

Speaking of veterans, by the way, I understand that you Murtha voters might be upset that he’s calling you a bunch of sheet-wearing, closet-racist swine, but you need to be more tolerant and understanding. If your Congressman, the “honorable” JackMurtha, can defame American troops fighting a war– falsely accusing them being murderers and savages– why should he spare your reputation?

You see, Congressman Murtha believes that Lord Obama will ultimately win Pennsylvania, despite the putrid racist Democrats who infect the state. “We cannot deny that race is a factor in this election,”he now says, adding, “I apologize for making the comment that ‘Western Pennsylvania is a racist area.'”

Yeah. JackMurtha is sorry he got caught smearing the people who vote for him –but don’t expect an apology to the American soldiers this big oafslurred. How do you vote for this guy? I just don’t understand it.

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