RUSH: Is it Kama? Is that how you pronounce it? Kama in Fort Collins, Colorado, the home of Dan’s Bake Sale. It’s nice to have you on the program, Kama.
RUSH: Wait a minute. Let me make sure I understand this. You have a married couple friend?
RUSH: He’s in the military coming home on leave this weekend?
CALLER: That’s right.
RUSH: Somebody told the wife of the soldier on leave coming home..?
CALLER: Her mother, who is my friend. I’m friends with both the mother and the daughter. The daughter is the (unintelligible) people.
RUSH: Her mother, her mother told the daughter/wife to go get some absentee ballots real quick and vote Obama on both of them: one for the wife; one for the husband, who’s not even home. So his vote is being handled by his wife?
CALLER: It was his absentee ballot that came in their mail.
RUSH: Okay, it was his absentee ballot came in the mail. She opened his absentee ballot and voted Obama for him because she was worried he would vote for McCain?
CALLER: That’s right, because he’s in the military.
RUSH: I knew the Democrats wanted to disenfranchise military people going back to Florida, but I don’t know if I — I haven’t heard about this before, this kind of thing, but I’m sure it’s not unique. What are you going to do about it?
CALLER: You know, that’s what I’m struggling with. I really… We’ve always had differences of opinion politically, but this to me is a judgment deal-breaker. I mean, my children play with her children, and I really had a hard day dealing with this information. I don’t know what to do with it.
RUSH: Do you know him?
CALLER: I know him. I’ve seen him once. I’ve never met him officially.
RUSH: Oh, so you couldn’t call him on the phone and say I want you to know what happened?
CALLER: I could put a message on his MySpace page. I know he has a MySpace page.
RUSH: Uhhh. (sighs)
CALLER: I wonder how many soldiers this might be happening to.
RUSH: Well, that’s a good question. Obviously ACORN and Obama’s get-out-the-vote drive at work here. Let me think about this. Let me… You’ve hit me here between the eyes. I’ve got five seconds left. That’s enough time to say good-bye and thanks for the call. What to do about…? The guy has gotta be told. Somebody has to tell the guy. His vote has been cast for him!