Biden Denies Saying What He Said

by Rush Limbaugh - Sep 4,2008

RUSH: Joe Biden spent another day in Florida, I guess this was yesterday. The day before he was in West Palm Beach, across the bridge, speaking to 1,200, 1,500 people over there. It might have been 1,700, I forget the number. But that was the appearance where he ripped into Social Security and said, ‘We’re going to keep the word ‘security’ in it. We’re not going to put the word ‘private’ in it,’ and the mayor of West Palm Beach, Lois Frankel, got up and said, ‘There ain’t going to be any more butterfly ballots with us in charge!’ Well, the Democrats gave us both. The Democrats gave us Social Security and they designed the butterfly ballot. The woman’s name was Theresa LePore. He was in Deerfield Beach yesterday. Deerfield Beach is dangerously close. It might be in the Bob Wexler district — Bob Wexler (Democrat, Maryland) — who represents a district here in Florida from Maryland via Washington, DC.

His district is made up of elderly Jewish voters, many of them Holocaust survivors, and that is his focus with his local politics and many of his national comments as well. So I just say that just to illustrate what next happened with Biden. Because Biden went down there, and he actually told a crowd at Deerfield Beach (laughing) that they’re going to prosecute Bush. If he and Obama are elected, they’re going to prosecute Bush for war crimes. This is after the speech last night. During the speech or whatever, at this great convention, here comes Obama. In fact, it was the first news dispatch I saw unrelated to the convention last night. I was working on today’s show. ‘Biden promises that Obama and he will sue and prosecute Bush for war crimes.’ Now, he says this down in Deerfield Beach, where that crowd — and they write letters to the editor of the Palm Beach Post. They hate Bush. This is what that crowd wants to hear. Perfect pandering! Here what Biden said during that campaign event.

BIDEN: If there has been a basis upon which you could pursue someone for a criminal violation, they will be pursued. Not out of vengeance, not out of retribution, out of the need to preserve the notion that no one, no one — no attorney general, no president, no one — is above the law.

RUSH: Now, they may want this to happen down in Boca, Deerfield Beach, Bob Wexler (Democrat, Maryland)’s district in Florida. But this is what happens in Soviet countries where you don’t put your former leaders in the gulag, you put them in jail! (laughing) This is Stalinist. This is right out of the textbook of V.I. Lenin and Saul Alinsky — the original ‘community organizer’ in Chicago. Hee-hee-hee-hee. Okay, so you just heard Biden say it, right? So this morning on Fox & Friends Brian Kilmeade says, ‘I’d like to hear from you, if you guys are elected, you and Senator Obama, you’re actually going to pursue criminal charges against President Bush’s administration and different people that served there?’

BIDEN: That’s not true, and that make — that — I don’t know where that report’s coming from.

RUSH: Well, let’s go back and listen to you, sir, (laughing) yesterday in Deerfield Beach.

BIDEN: If there has been a basis upon which you could pursue someone for a criminal violation, they will be pursued. Not out of vengeance, not out of retribution, out of the need to preserve the notion that no one, no one — no attorney general, no president, no one — is above the law.

RUSH: Senator Biden, Fox & Friends says today, are you going to sue the president and his administration and other people in it?

BIDEN: That’s not true, and that make — that — I don’t know where that report’s coming from.

RUSH: Neil Kinnock is back (laughing), and we’ve got the videotape of this, too, we’ve got him on tape pandering to these kooks in Florida saying that he’ll prosecute the president if it could be found that he committed a crime. Well, isn’t the question that they have not if he committed the crime, but how many? To them he commits a crime by breathing, getting up every day. There was some Drive-By Media guy last night on some show. I forget which it was. I was snipping around. After the Sarah Palin speech, this guy said, ‘Boy, I’ll tell you what. I think Joe Biden better bring his A game to that vice presidential debate.’ And I said, ‘Yeah, if he can steal one! If he can find one to steal or plagiarize it.’ (laughing) Here he’s denying something he said on tape! I don’t know what he’s thinking. Is he thinking that that comment’s going to be contained in Wexler’s congressional district and it’s not going to get out anywhere?

Well, for crying out loud! There are cameras and microphones there. How can he not know there are cameras and microphones there when he makes the statement? I mean… (interruption) Well, but you… (interruption) No, no, no, no. Snerdley is arguing with me that the press will go so far as to not put out tape of something like that when Democrats say it. That may be the case, but, look, that’s still ridiculous: to deny it when you know that people were recording it and that there were cameras there. You gotta ask, I mean, if this kind of behavior disqualified him in 1988 (and didn’t get him but, what, 1% of the vote in Iowa this year?) what’s changed here to make him now qualified to be vice president and the, quote, unquote, ‘heartbeat away.’ Now, today on CNN, cohost John Roberts talking to Biden, and says, ‘Your offices had contact with a lobbying firm of which your son is a member. Your son, Hunter. I want to ask you, has he ever lobbied you directly?’

BIDEN: I can look you right straight in the eye and guarantee my son has never, ever, ever lobbied me. I don’t meet with lobbyists! I don’t meet with lobbyists! And that’s — that’s been — I — it that started off as an accident because early on in my career I didn’t have time to do it, and I’ve just never done it. My staff does.

RUSH: Ohhhhh, the staff does it! But has a never met with a lobbyist. This is a guy who just denied saying that Obama and he will prosecute Bush for war crimes. Do you Hunter and ever have dinner at home somewhere after you get off the train, and do you have any interest in your son Hunter having a good job? I mean, a lot of fathers put whatever pull they can to help their sons get a gig. You’ve never done that. ‘I could look you right straight in the eye and guarantee my son has never, ever, ever lobbied me.’ Well, did he leave little stickers around the house saying, ‘Dad, I really would like to work for a hedge fund’? Did he ever do anything like that? You know, when I wanted my first car at 16, I cut out pictures of a Ford Mustang.

I’d tape them all over the house where I knew my father went. But I never ‘lobbied’ him for the car. I didn’t have the guts to go say, ‘Dad, will you buy me a car?’ I just dropped little hints, and he knew what I wanted. I didn’t get the car. I had to buy my own at some point — which is a good thing. I’m not complaining. Okay, I didn’t know you could call a ‘community organizer’ to get a car. That’s the thing. When I was 16, we’re talking 1967, and there weren’t any community organizers in my little town. I don’t think there are community organizers there now. And if there are, they’re working under cover of darkness because nobody knows what they’re doing or where they are. Okay, so Biden says he never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever met with lobbyists. He never has done it, didn’t have time at first. December 2007, The Brody File at the Christian Broadcast Network, Joe Biden on lobbyists.

BIDEN: Lobbyists aren’t bad people! Special interest groups are — are not bad people. People who accept the money from them aren’t bad people. But it’s human nature. You go out, Lynn, and bundle $250,000 for me, all legal, and then you call me after I’m elected say, ‘Joe, I’d like to come and talk to you about something.’ You didn’t buy me, but it’s human nature. You helped me. I’m going to say, ‘Sure, let him come on in.’ Just like, by the way, if I turn around and I’m elected president of the United States of America, and you call me and say, ‘Joe, I want to come and see you,’ I’m going to see you. You helped me.

RUSH: Wait a minute. I thought he said he didn’t meet with lobbyists and special interests. Who is Lynn? I don’t even know who Lynn is. This is Christian Broadcast Network interview in 2007. But this morning he said, ‘I never, ever, ever — I can look you straight in the eye and guarantee you my son’s never, ever lobbied me. I don’t meet lobbyists. I don’t meet with lobbyists! It started off…’ and just last December he’s describing how he meets with lobbyists. This is going to be so much fun, folks. I can’t wait for this to gin up.