Diddy: Alaska Motherf**ker?

by Rush Limbaugh - Sep 2,2008

RUSH: I have not heard this next bite. Cookie just sent this to me, but I do know it has a bunch of expletives that we have had to bleep. It’s from P. Diddy, and this was on the Bad Boy Records YouTube Channel. The rapper, Sean ‘P. Diddy’ Combs, posted this video about McCain to his Diddy Blog.

COMBS: Alaska? Alaska? Alaska? Alaska. Ala– Come on, man. I don’t even know if there’s any black people in Alaska. What in the [beep]? ALASKA? You’re bugging the [beep] out. Sarah Palin, you ain’t ready to be vice president. Alaska Mother[beep]er? What is the reality in Alas–? There’s not even no crackheads in Alaska! There’s not even no black people. There’s not even no like — crime or, uh, uh like — Foreign policies, you all may be versed on foreign — foreign policies. You all need to get versed on black policies and youth policies. We the future. John, you’re bugging the [beep] out, man.

RUSH: That’s Sean ‘P. Diddy’ Combs, who is in charge of one of the many Democrat Party get-out-the-vote efforts with his official analysis and commentary on the lack of qualification of Sarah Palin and John McCain. There ain’t no crackheads and there ain’t no black people and there are ain’t no crime nor foreign policies in Alaska. America has made this man wealthy. America has made this man obscenely wealthy, and he’s in charge of Democrat get-out-the-vote campaign. ‘Vote or Die’ is what his get-out-the-vote campaign is all about.


RUSH: You have to listen to this one more time. This is a staunch Democrat supporter Sean ‘P. Diddy’ Combs running some organization called Vote or Die. He was on the Bad Boy Records YouTube Channel. He submitted a video here. These are the kind of people that you would have running around an Obama White House: P. Diddy, Ludacris, Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Here is P. Diddy on Saturday on YouTube.

COMBS: Alaska? Alaska? Alaska? Alaska. Ala– Come on, man. I don’t even know if there’s any black people in Alaska. What in the [beep]? ALASKA? You’re bugging the [beep] out. Sarah Palin, you ain’t ready to be vice president. Alaska Mother[beep]er? What is the reality in Alas–? There’s not even no crackheads in Alaska! There’s not even no black people. There’s not even no like — crime or, uh, uh like — Foreign policies, you all may be versed on foreign — foreign policies. You all need to get versed on black policies and youth policies. We the future. John, you’re bugging the [beep] out, man.

RUSH: That’s P. Diddy, ladies and gentlemen, the man America has made enormously wealthy by buying up his rotgut music and insulting John McCain and Sarah Palin. By the way, P. Diddy — I saw this over the weekend — has decided to ground his private jet. Now, P. Diddy says he has a private jet that costs $45 million. Now, I know a little bit about these, and if he’s got a jet that costs $45 million, we’re talking basic Gulfstream IV, 450, or 4SP, somewhere in that range. You might be looking at some sort of a Falcon jet, but regardless, $45 million, and P. Diddy said that ‘gas prices are too mother[blank]ing high. As you know, I own my own jet and I’ve been flying back and forth to Los Angeles pursuing my acting career.

‘Now, if I’m flying back and forth like twice in a month, that’s like 200,000 or 250,000 for round trip. Screw that. I’m on my back on American Airlines right now, okay?’ As though anybody cares. But I can just tell you that if he’s got a $45-million airplane, there’s no way even with current jet fuel prices that he’s paying more than $4,000 an hour to operate his airplane. So you figure, let’s average. Say a coast-to-coast trip on a GIV would be ten hours, it would be five and a half to get back, get out there, and three and a half to four coming back, depending on wind. So you’re talking ten hours at 4,000. So you’re talking $40,000 an hour. Now, the only point I’m trying to make is he doesn’t even know.

He doesn’t know what he’s talking about, period, and I suspect that he’s using this figure of $250,000 round trip just to impress people.