Left Will Compare Georgia to Iraq

by Rush Limbaugh - Aug 12,2008

RUSH: I’m telling you, folks, mark my words on this, it isn’t going to be long before the left, as all this Georgia, Russia stuff — by the way, the latest on that is that the French and the Russians are working on ceasefire terms now. Nicolas Sarkozy went over there to try to do something about it while Obama is playing golf in Hawaii. At any rate, it isn’t going to be long before the left says — ’cause look, we gotta protect the oil pipelines, we gotta protect our ally, Georgia — the left is going to say, ‘Russia has more of a claim to Georgia than we do, and besides, how can we accuse any nation of invading another sovereign nation after what we did to Iraq?’ That is what they’re going to say. They’re going to say, ‘We deserve this. We showed the world we were willing to invade a sovereign country so how can we say that the Russians shouldn’t do it?’ I’m surprised the left hasn’t come up with it yet, but in time they will.