RUSH: Just before the break at the top of the hour, I sent my property manager out. They come here and they wash the car every day, and I said, ‘Take it out there and get the tires inflated properly and get it tuned up. Just don’t take it to the dealer.’ He said, ‘Sir, are you sure you don’t want to fly it back over to Germany?’ I said, ‘No, no, no, you can do it here. I need this done quickly.’ So he’s been out there about ten minutes, there’s a service station nearby, went and got the tires properly inflated. They were, by the way, the tires. We take great care of all the cars here at the EIB Network. Tires are properly inflated. The tune-up is underway and he told me that the price of gas has not changed since this happened. Gonna keep an eye on this. Apparently, folks, if you put more air in your tires and you get a tune-up, that somehow gas is going to get cheaper and we will not have to drill or what have you, and I just have it on good authority that after inflating the tires, making sure they’re right, the tune-up, price of gas is still the same as it was before I got all that done. By the time I get home it could change. We’re keeping an eye on this because we’re following the suggestions made by The Messiah so we won’t have to drill for oil. Make sure the tires are inflated and the car is tuned up.
RUSH: Clint in Memphis. Clint, nice to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.
CALLER: Good afternoon, Rush.
RUSH: Yes, sir.
CALLER: Say, I just want to let you know, I’m traveling out here. I was just driving down the street, I pulled into like a convenience mart, and I was doing a little paperwork, and as I was sitting there, a lady came out and changed the sign, and the gas price went from $3.78 down to $3.77! You haven’t even got your car tuned up and it’s already working.
RUSH: It went from $3.78 to $3.77. Where was this?
CALLER: Actually, it was about a mile from Graceland. I couldn’t tell you exactly what street corner it is, because I already left there, but it was amazing.
RUSH: Did you change the air pressure in your tires? Did you get a tune-up?
CALLER: Actually, no. This is a rental car, but I’m actually thinking about stopping and getting the tires inflated or checked and maybe have it tuned up before I take it back.
RUSH: Yeah, you never know what will happen to the price of gasoline. So he actually saw the price of gasoline come down by one penny a mile from Graceland, on the day after Obama suggested to people, tune-ups and properly inflated tires. It might be working.