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RUSH: People have been have been requesting, ladies and gentlemen, to rehear the call from Rita X from Detroit. Now, we’ve got two versions of the Rita X call. We have the full version, which ran over nine minutes. That may be a bit much. But we might do that version tomorrow. We’re going to play the 2-1/2 minute version now as just a little tease.


RITA X: [T]he president and his Chief Joints of Staff are planning a secret war involving their over 40-year knowledge of an encounter with a galactic fleet which has been called the unidentified flying saucers.

RUSH: Rita? Rita, hang on a minute. The ‘Chiefs of Joint,’ as you say, the chairman of the Chiefs of Joint is a black man.

RITA X: Colin Colonel Powell?

RUSH: Colonel Colin Powell.

RITA X: He —

RUSH: (laughing) Colin Colonel Powell. It’s Colonel Colin Powell.

RITA X: Well, let me rephrase this. Uncle Tom Colin Colonel Powell.

RUSH: General! It’s General Colin Powell.

RITA X: Because he — he is planning genocide on the black community as Minister Farrakhan has revealed to the masses of the people that President [George H. W.] Bush has sat down with Colonel Colin Powell to plan genocide against the black community. But this is why the event. The mother plane is there, and the mother plane will destroy England, and that’s why you noticed that when the first sightings of the writing in the hedges, uh, from Stonehengees [sic] and the writings in the grass was 50 miles from what is call Stonehedges in England.

RUSH: Stonehedges, yes.

RITA X: The mother plane with the 1500 bomber plane were dropped know dropped three baby planes, three bombs on England and destroy England, and also she will destroy your nav– your — uh, the air, uh — the, uh, America air bases.

RUSH: Yeah.

RITA X: And her jets and everything.


RUSH: There it is. Actually that was only half of it because that started halfway through the 2-1/2 minutes. It still works. Play the whole thing now. This is the whole two-minute version, just to give you a sample. This went on for nine minutes.


RITA X: Let me just say this. There is a spaceship called the mother plane.

RUSH: Yes?

RITA X: And on the mother plane it has what is called 1500 bombing planes, and very soon in the 1990s, a four deplosion [sic] on the UFO phenomenon which has been withheld from the public will be exposed.

RUSH: Uhhh, I see.

RITA X: The Pentagon, NASA space program, the president of the United States, and the joint chief of staff — both Congress, and the senator of the USA as well as the Navy and Air Force intelligence, FBI, CIA — will be forced to —

RUSH: You forgot Interpol, forgot Interpol.

RITA X: Well, will be forced to face the nation in the mounting crisis in the air and on the land and — and the sea, and give up the secret. What are the secrets? The secret is the president and his Chief Joints of Staff are planning a secret war involving their over 40-year knowledge of an encounter with a galactic fleet which has been called the unidentified flying saucers.

RUSH: Rita? Rita, hang on a minute. The ‘Chiefs of Joint,’ as you say, the chairman of the Chiefs of Joint is a black man.

RITA X: Colin Colonel Powell?

RUSH: Colonel Colin Powell.

RITA X: He —

RUSH: (laughing) Colin Colonel Powell. It’s Colonel Colin Powell.

RITA X: Well, let me rephrase this. Uncle Tom Colin Colonel Powell.

RUSH: General! It’s General Colin Powell.

RITA X: Because he — he is planning genocide on the black community as Minister Farrakhan has revealed to the masses of the people that President [George H. W.] Bush has sat down with Colonel Colin Powell to plan genocide against the black community. But this is why the event. The mother plane is there, and the mother plane will destroy England, and that’s why you noticed that when the first sightings of the writing in the hedges, uh, from Stonehengees [sic] and the writings in the grass was 50 miles from what is call Stonehedges in England.

RUSH: Stonehedges, yes.

RITA X: The mother plane with the 1500 bomber plane were dropped know dropped three baby planes, three bombs on England and destroy England, and also she will destroy your nav– your — uh, the air, uh — the, uh, America air bases.

RUSH: Yeah.

RITA X: And her jets and everything.


RUSH: Now, you might be asking, ‘Where is Rita X today?’ Rita X was from Detroit. Rita X was an acolyte of Minister Louis Farrakhan. I would suspect that Rita X is actively involved in the Obama campaign today, perhaps a community organizer, a voter registration drive precinct captain, or something like that. But no question that Rita X today — Rita X, if you’re still there, we’d love to hear from you. I’d love to hear how it’s going in the Obama campaign, because we’re sure that’s where she is. Maybe she’s Ludacris’ road manager. Could be. You never know. The possibilities with the kind of brilliance that Rita X displayed and the knowledge and the understanding, the depth of understanding she has of world affairs and ‘Stonehenges’ and so forth; the sky was the limit for her, including the mother plane.

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