CALLER: But Clinton, that slimeball, how could you even think of voting for that — oh, my God. I just can’t talk anymore, I just can’t, I’m sorry. (hangs up, dial tone.)
RUSH: Hmm. Well, see, that’s an indication of how tough it is for everybody. What am I to do? Am I supposed to come in here and make it up? Am I supposed to come in here — just the charade is — I can’t do that, folks. Phyllis in the Bronx in New York. Hello.
CALLER: Hello. My name is Phyllis.
RUSH: Yes, ma’am.
CALLER: I am a conservative. I am home sick today, but now I’m really sick. Rush, what are you doing to us? I’m sick and tired of the liberals in this country pushing our buttons.
RUSH: What are you talking about?
CALLER: I mean, you’re backing mister — you’re backing Bill Clinton.
RUSH: I am not. I am not.
CALLER: You just said you’re backing —
RUSH: I never said that.
CALLER: But I heard you say those words.
RUSH: No, no. You’re just trying to twist my words and turn them around. I never said it.
CALLER: What did you say? Could you just tell me — you said you could — you know, I can’t even talk, I’m so upset. I’m practically ready for tears.
RUSH: You keep talking about something that happened 23 minutes ago. It’s irrelevant.
RUSH: Well, you’re going to have to —
CALLER: You’re the guru of conservatives.
RUSH: You’re going to have listen a little bit more closely, Phyllis and you’re going to have to think about the future. What happened in the past is irrelevant, it doesn’t matter. Suzette from Chicago, welcome to the program.
CALLER: You know, mega dittos, and accolades. You are wonderful. I put on your show, and I had a coronary, and I’m listening to you, and I start to think, ‘No, I know what you’re doing, Rush. You’re doing the Bill Clinton flip-flop.’
RUSH: You know, this is really sad.
CALLER: (laughing) No —
RUSH: No, no, no, no —
CALLER: — the guy, you’re going to deny it.
RUSH: This is really pathetic.
CALLER: You’re going to deny it, but then again–
RUSH: Well, of course I’m going to deny it —
CALLER: Well, sure.
RUSH: — because I didn’t say it.
CALLER: I know, I’m going —
RUSH: And we cannot move forward.
CALLER: I know we can’t move forward.
RUSH: You’re going to continue to try to make me the issue here, this is really sad.
CALLER: I know, isn’t it terrible? What you’re doing is really great. You can deny it, that’s okay, but —
RUSH: What do you mean I can deny it? I am denying it. I do deny it.
RUSH: I never said I was for Clinton.
CALLER: I know.
RUSH: You people out there, you are so worried about my conservative views. You think I’m such a maniac, now you’re hearing me say things I’ve never said.
CALLER: You want to play the tape?
RUSH: I’m not gonna play the tape. I know what I said. I didn’t say that.
CALLER: Okay. You know, I’d like to say one thing, though, is that you really bring home a point with —
RUSH: I don’t know what she’s talking about. You keep going over and over. She just keeps making the same point here, and we’ve been patient.
CALLER: You can deny it, dear sir, but I know what you’re doing.
RUSH: I didn’t say it. Still, I’ve had you on the phone here for five minutes and all you want to talk about is something that happened, what, 45 minutes ago. I was younger then.
RUSH: That was in my youth. Can’t hold me accountable for what happened in my youth. It doesn’t matter. We gotta move the country forward. I had people calling from all over the country. They were going to cancel their Rush to Excellence Tour tickets. They weren’t going to go. At any rate, it didn’t work. Clinton, of course, was elected with 43% of the vote. Maybe it did work. This was the Perot election, as you recall.