RUSH: Cookie Gleason Prayias is amazing. She is literally amazing. July 8th, 2005, Live 8, Bono.
BONO: This is our moment. This is our time. This is our chance. To stand up for what’s right. We’re not looking for charity. We’re lookin’ for justice!
RUSH: This is Barack Obama yesterday in Berlin.
OBAMA: People of Berlin! People of the world! This is our moment. This is our time.
BONO: This is our moment. This is our time. This is our chance to stand up for what’s right. We’re not looking for charity. We’re lookin’ for justice.
OBAMA: People of Berlin! People of the world! This is our moment. This is our time.
RUSH: There you have it, ladies and gentlemen, Obama plagiarizing Bono. He also plagiarizes Deval Patrick, the Governor of Massachusetts.