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RUSH: Before getting started, here at our EIB Southern Command we are being overrun with gardenia-scented candles. This goes back, it’s got to be six weeks ago now, maybe a month ago, that I was expressing frustration that I could not find a large gardenia-scented candle made by Jo Malone. That complaint has resulted in our having a candle farm here. I think these things are multiplying. All sizes, all shapes, they are all gardenia-scented and they don’t all smell the same. It’s gotten to the point I can’t thank everybody personally that sent these in. It’s just too massive. So I wanted to make sure I took time at the outset of the program to thank all of you. Some of the nicest letters accompanied these candles and the candles themselves are fabulous. I’ve taken some of them home, but they have taken up a whole room back there now, our EIB prize closet where the extra iPhones are stored and the EIB shirts and all the other golf gear and so forth. It’s a candle farm in there. So thank you very much from the bottom of my heart to all of you who have taken the time to send in your products. These are all from the manufacturers, by the way, and the nice notes.

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