
Rush Limbaugh

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The Rush Limbaugh Show Main Menu

Keep the Reagan Legacy Alive

RUSH: Sue in Austin, Texas, hi. CALLER: Hi, Rush. It’s a pleasure to speak to you.RUSH: Thank...

What Can You Do? Show Up!

RUSH: I checked the email here in the break. ‘Rush…’ It’s the same old question I keep...

Rush Solves the Bonfire Ban

RUSH: We’re always trying to help out here at the EIB Network, always trying to come up with...

A Caller High on Polygamy

RUSH: This is Justin in Benton, Pennsylvania. Great to have you here on Open Line Friday.CALLER:...

Rush Translates Maya Angelou

RUSH: This is CNN’s Election Center last night. Campbell Brown and Jessica Yellin, two babes have...

The Meaning of June 6, 1944

RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, this is the 6th of June. I realize that many of you know what the...

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