RUSH: Senator Kennedy in the hospital this morning, brain surgery at Duke University, started at nine o’clock. It’s said to be a six-hour surgery. They’re trying to get as much of the brain tumor as possible. But experts say this kind of tumor’s got lots of tentacles, will be tough to get it all. I’m just wondering, the Drive-By Media — and let me specify, let me remind you, because what I’m going to say here, there’s precedent for this. Remember when John and Elizabeth Edwards had their press conference announcing her cancer had returned? Remember Howard Fineman and remember all the Drive-By Media’s talking about that press conference in a political sense and asking themselves and us, ‘Will this help the Edwards campaign?’ Howard Fineman thought it would. Howard Fineman thought it was one of the most brilliant political appearances he had seen. It was a home run and they thought it would really go a long way toward helping fundraising and so forth. So in that light — and this is not intended to mock Senator Kennedy, so don’t anybody misunderstand me. This is not intended to mock his condition or the depravity of this type of operation.
I would like to remind the Associated Press that Senator Kennedy’s illness is not something that takes place in the political arena and, as such, going after Senator Kennedy’s illness is not something we would do. We go after Senator Kennedy here on the basis of ideas within the arena of ideas, within the political spectrum. It’s the left that sits out there when they hear somebody gets sick and their blog post: ‘Hope they die.’ It’s the left that does that. I knew when I saw that headline, I knew what was coming in that piece, and we were right.