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Rush’s Morning Update: Unseemly
June 2, 2008

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You know, when I saw the headline– “Ailing Kennedy Fading as a Top Target for Right Wing”– I knew what would follow.

Associated Press writer Tom Raum has “discovered” that “branding someone a ‘Ted Kennedy liberal’ is slowly fading from the political lexicon.” This trend, says Mr. Raum, was evidenced even before Senator Kennedy was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor.

Mr. Raum opines: “It’s not that the iconic liberal lion of Massachusetts has turned any less liberal. He remains one of the most outspoken critics of President Bush’s Iraq war policy, and a longtime unapologetic champion of cherished liberal causes. It’s just that his reputation as a consummate legislator and amiable Senate colleague has taken off much of the edge and helped to offset the darker depiction by some conservatives.”

Mr. Raum,I’m going totry to explain this simply, so that maybe you can understand it. Most conservatives find it unseemly to take advantage of personal tragedy by pressing a political agenda forward. There has never been unwillingness on the part of conservatives to battle Senator Kennedy in the political arena. But the Senator’s battles now are outside politicsin an arena that, sadly, you don’t seem tocomprehend. (You’re using his illness, sir, to write your stupid piece!)

That you would frame Senator Kennedy’s illness as part of the political win-and-lose game of Washingtonspeaks volumes about youand your Drive-By editors– morethan it doesabout the conservativeswhom you write about, but you do notknow… and this proves it.

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