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Rush’s Morning Update: Bow Down?
May 30, 2008

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In the next three months, California’s supreme court will issue a ruling that could have profound impact.

Guadalupe Benitez, a lesbian, is suing a Christian medical practiceover the doctors’ refusal to artificially inseminate her. Ms. Benitez claims thatthe North Coast medical practice, the only one nearby which takes her health insurance, violated California’s anti-discrimination laws when they refused to inseminate her.

Lawyers for the medical practice told the court that the doctors were up-front. And they told Ms. Benitez of their religious objections straight awayand offered her referrals to other fertility specialists who didn’t have religious objections. The practice even offered to pay any extra costs that she might incur by using another medical practice.

But Ms. Benitez lawyer, Jennifer Pizer, argued that while doctors are free to choose their field and offer whatever procedures are appropriate for them, they don’t have the freedom to discriminate against patients.

Now, if the court sides with Ms. Benitez, doctors with religious convictions may well avoid in vitro fertilization altogetherto avoid these kinds of lawsuits.

As I said at the outset, folks,this could have broad implications. Individual religious freedom– the basis for America’s founding– was once constitutionally enshrined. But by using the courts, the left has done all they can to push God out of the public square, and now they’re attempting to use the courts to attack those whose faith governs their professional lives. Let’s see if the California court bows downto this one.

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