
Rush Limbaugh

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The Rush Limbaugh Show Main Menu

Why Liberals Fear Religion

RUSH: Rick in Pocatello, Idaho, great to have you, sir. I’m glad you waited. Welcome to the EIB...

Operation Chaos Heats Up

RUSH: More audio sound bites here before we get to some lighthearted stuff in the Stacks today, as...

The High-Concept Primary

RUSH: Yesterday on this program, we spent quite a while in the third hour of the program...

Why Liberals Fear Religion

RUSH: Rick in Pocatello, Idaho, great to have you, sir. I’m glad you waited. Welcome to the EIB...

An Optimistic Business Owner

RUSH: Doug in Seattle, you’re next, welcome to the program, sir. CALLER: Hey, Rush. I’m an...

Does Obama Love the Country?

RUSH: Tom in Chicago, you’re next on the EIB Network. Hello.CALLER: Yeah, Rush, I’m a reformed...

McCain’s Economic Speech

RUSH: We haven’t talked about Senator McCain for a while, but Senator McCain… You know, yes...

Rush Riffs on Global Warming

RUSH: Let me address liberalism in another fashion here. I had a story from the Washington Times...

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