A Limbaugh Pal’s Love Story

by Rush Limbaugh - Jan 3,2008

RUSH: Folks, I have to tell you this. I love love stories, especially if they don’t involve me. A friend of mine said that he got an e-mail. I don’t even know how this is possible, but he got an e-mail from a high school sweetheart that he hasn’t talked to since high school. Now, that would be virtually impossible… Well, not virtually impossible. That would be very difficult for it to happen to me, because A, I didn’t have one, but B, if I did, there’s no way that this high school sweetheart could get my e-mail address without making a bunch of inquiries, and I would find out. But my friend just out of the blue, over the transom, he’s checking his e-mail one night, here comes this e-mail from his high school sweetheart, he hasn’t seen her since high school. This is 30, 40 years ago, something like that. They start up this little conversation and, after a couple of e-mails back-and-forth, she says to him the next day, ‘I can’t sleep. I can’t sleep, because I can’t stop thinking of you.’

He’s telling me this story, and I said, ‘That’s not good. You want them to sleep. That’s important. This is crucial. When did she say she’s going to start sleeping?’

He said, ‘Not ’til she gets her ring on her finger.’

‘Oh, no!’

How does this kind of stuff happen? This is the kind of stuff that happens in movies. You know, the dork lead male actor is sitting there reading the e-mail, and all of a sudden here comes (sigh) the love of your life from 30 years and you haven’t seen her. She e-mailed to you? You didn’t have an e-mail address back then. How in the world did this woman get it?

So I asked him, ‘How in the world does this woman get your e-mail address?’

‘I don’t know,’ he said.

‘That’s another red flag!’

Well, nevertheless, it’s a great love story. I love these stories.