Rush’s Morning Update: The Proof! December 10, 2007

by Rush Limbaugh - Dec 7,2007

Rush’s Morning Update: The Proof!
December 10, 2007

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Last month, scientists announced they’d found evidence that “reprogrammed” adult stem cells could be made to mimic embryonic stem cells. This is a breathtaking development, given the left’s politicization of the issue.

I cannot overstate the importance of this announcement. If successful, it means human embryos would not have to be used in this disease-fighting research. Not only would this take a divisive debate off the table; it would also speed the day when people suffering from debilitating illnesses could be cured. Word of the development was greeted with stony silence, however, from the left.

Last Friday, another advance. Scientists used the “reprogrammed” stem cells to successfully cure mice of sickle cell anemia. That’s a disease that primarily affects African-Americans. As with all medical advances, it may be years before this success can be parlayed into treatment for humans.

But once again, there was stony silence from the left. There are no actors making commercials. No talk of this breakthrough on the campaign trail. Why not? Because not only do these developments reaffirm President Bush’s position, they put an end to the lie that only embryonic stem cells could produce medical cures.

The fact of the matter is — as I said all along — to the left, embryonic research is an extension of the abortion rights debate. It’s not about saving lives!

And now, you have da puuf!

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