Rush’s Morning Update: Fire! December 7, 2007

by Rush Limbaugh - Dec 6,2007

Rush’s Morning Update: Fire!
December 7, 2007

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On Wednesday, a federal appeals court ruled that the Bush administration’s Healthy Forests Initiative violates the National Environmental Policy Act. The Bush Forests Initiative came in response to the wildfires seven years ago, which destroyed over eight million acres. The policy made it easier to clear out underbrush, shrubs, and trees that could ignite or provide fuel for wildfires. Eight years ago, folks! Unless this court ruling is overturned, logging and controlled burns conducted on 1.2 million acres of federal forest will stop.

After the three-judge panel ruled in favor of the Sierra Club, the group’s lawyer said the ruling (New Castrati impression) “will help ensure, Mr. Limbaugh, that vast swaths of our national forests are not logged without environmental reviews, under the guise of forest management or fuel suppression.” Naturally, the ruling came from the Ninth Circus Court of Appeals.

We’re talking about eight years ago. It was just weeks ago, thousands of California residents were forced to leave their homes when brush fires destroyed property and took lives. Some of those affected complained at the time about the wacko rules that prevented the brush from being cleared. It fueled those fires.

Since most of us don’t live near forests, it’s easy to disregard this latest ruling as just another example of Left Coast idiocy. But if it’s your house up in flames, or your loved ones who die needlessly because of this ruling, you’ll want accountability from these wacko liberals — and, I guarantee, you will not get it.

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