Climatologist Tainted by Limbaugh

by Rush Limbaugh - Nov 14,2007

RUSH: Here from our buddies at NewsBusters.org is the story of the Arizona Republic and the global warming skeptic out there that is now considered to be on the fringe. ‘Apparently, the Arizona Republic cannot discuss the work of globaloney skeptic Robert Balling of Arizona State University without constantly pointing out that his ‘peers’ think he is an idiot that has been bought off by ‘industries.’ The paper cannot write a story about his career without constantly suggesting that he is a ‘fringe’ scientist and that he is ‘criticized’ by those who imagine global warming is the biggest threat humanity faces today. … [E]ven worse, the Az Republic seems aghast that Rush Limbaugh has quoted from the man’s work. Balling, 54, has spoken and written extensively against the widely held scientific view that the documented rise in global temperature is the result of human activity and that serious consequences will result. … Balling also informs the writer,’ Corinne Purtill at the Arizona Republic, that he believes, ‘Even if humans are warming the planet by causing the buildup of greenhouse gases, he says, the doomsday scenarios forecast by many climate scientists may never happen,’ and, of course, you dig your grave with the Arizona Republic when you say things like that that. ‘Even more outrageous, Rush Limbaugh found his work of interest.’ The Arizona Republic wrote, ”Talk-show host Rush Limbaugh began quoting the book. Sales took off. An invitation to address the directors of a coal company followed.’ The NERVE!’ The Arizona Republic writer ‘seems confused by our friend, Mr. Balling, however. ‘Despite his notoriety as a hero of the skeptic crowd, Balling’s research and lifestyle contain some surprising contradictions.’ The guy lives a totally green lifestyle. ‘He’s a registered independent,’ but because I have read his work and I have promoted his work, that makes it even worse (laughing) according to Arizona Republic.