Anyway, they brought these guys up. There must have been about 10 or 15 of them that were seated in the end zone. When they got up there, I made it a point to go up and talk to them, and they were traditional military people. You could not find better examples of American citizens than these guys that were brought up, and they were all very nice to me, naturally, they would be, as I’m one of their largest supporters, as they know.
There was one Army guy among them. I had seen something in the Wall Street Journal on Saturday that I thought was funny as it could be, because you know there’s inter-service rivalries. These guys compete against each other and make jokes about each other. It’s a special fraternity being the US military, even the inter-service rivalries. So I ran up to this Army guy and I said, ‘I gotta tell you this. I gotta tell you what I read in the Wall Street Journal on Saturday, just this little quote. ‘In Fallujah, enlisted Marines have complained to an officer, ‘There’s nobody to shoot here, sir. They’re all gone. If it’s just going to be building schools and hospitals, that’s what the Army’s for, isn’t it?” (laughter) He laughed and started telling some Marine jokes. (laughter) But it was a great time.