Grow Up and Deal With It, Bruce

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 5,2007

RUSH: All right, to the audio sound bites. Bruce Springsteen, CBS News website. They had this clip up for the upcoming 60 Minutes interview that Scott Pelley did with Bruce Springsteen, and Pelley says to him, ‘This record’s going to be seen as anti-war, and you know there are going to be people who are going to say, ‘Bruce Springsteen, he’s no patriot.”

SPRINGSTEEN: That’s just the language of the day, you know, the modus operandi for anybody who doesn’t like somebody criticizing where we’ve been or where we’re going, you know. It’s unpatriotic at any given moment to sit back and let things pass that are damaging to someplace that you love so dearly and who has given me so much.

RUSH: He goes on; he’s upset at these people for saying this. He’s upset at people challenging his patriotism. Hey, Bruce, you don’t know half of it.

REID: Rush Limbaugh went way over the line, way over the line. While I respect his right to say anything he likes, his unpatriotic comments I cannot ignore.

RUSH: Bruce, you’re a miniature target in this patriotism fight, pal. Until the floor of the Senate is turned over to a subject of your lack of patriotism, grow up and deal with it like a man. By the way, we’re still laughing here, folks. Dingy Harry writes this letter from the Democrat campaign committee that they send out to donors. He’s trying to keep this issue of my lack of patriotism and this whole phony soldier smear alive. He says, ‘It’s one thing for him to call me Dingy Harry…’ (laughing) It was funny. He actually acknowledged in the letter that I call him Dingy Harry. I met Dingy Harry last year about this time, around the end of October. I was out in Las Vegas for the Prostate Cancer Foundation’s annual golf tournament fundraiser. It was right in the middle of Michael J. Fox imbroglio, and it was at the Wynn Hotel, Steve Wynn’s place, and there was a little cocktail party and dinner on Friday night.

The golf starts on Saturday at eight o’clock in the morning. I walked in, and I saw Michael Milken. I walked up and said hello. He says, ‘Have you met Senator Reid?’ ‘No. Do you think he’ll want to meet me?’ ‘Oh, yeah, he’d love to, come on.’ I met Harry Reid, big smile on my face. I said, ‘Senator, happy to meet you. Are you playing golf with us tomorrow?’ ‘No, I don’t play golf,’ in his best Tom Daschle voice. Then he turned and resumed conversation with who he was having a conversation with. He was probably thinking, ‘this is the guy that calls me Dingy Harry.’ (laughing)