No Offense, North Carolina

by Rush Limbaugh - Aug 14,2007

RUSH: Tom in Indian Trail, North Carolina, welcome, sir. I have about a minute, but I wanted to squeeeeeeeeze you in.

CALLER: (silence) Hello?

RUSH: Yes.

CALLER: I’m still here.

RUSH: Well, I have about a minute. I have 55 seconds now.

CALLER: Good. (silence)

RUSH: You know, uh… (chuckles) Tom, what did you want to say?

CALLER: I want to talk about Roe v. Wade, 1972, how it’s gone bananas.

RUSH: You mean, the Democrat Party’s gone bananas?

CALLER: Yeah, both.

RUSH: Well, that’s like well said, and I agree with you.

CALLER: Well, let me tell you this. When Congress passed R. v. Wade, it was considered the woman had a right — had a right! — to an abortion.

RUSH: No, no, no, no, no. Congress didn’t ‘pass’ Roe v. Wade. That was a Supreme Court ruling. Forgive me, but I’ll tell you, some of these people from North Carolina, you just never know.


RUSH: I’m going to explain this North Carolina comment. I got a friend that sends me an e-mail today saying, ‘How come you’re getting so many North Carolina calls today?’ and I said, ‘That’s not the question. We get calls from everywhere. We take the best we can get.’ That was just an inside joke, and I really apologize, because I love North Carolina, as everybody knows. It’s just an inside joke.