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RUSH: You remember the little brouhaha and the contretemps that erupted the week before I left down in south Florida? The Broward County commissioners led by Stacy Ritter who, by the way, still sounds angry as she can be, even though I acknowledged that she’s a babe — at least from the neck up. That’s all I’ve seen. But anyway, as you know, the vote finally passed and they reluctantly agreed to stay on our blowtorch affiliate down in Miami, WIOD for hurricane news. I tried to tell these idiots on this commission, ‘If you really want to deal with me just announce a press conference every day.’ Do a three-hour press conference on, uh-oh, it’s going to be really hot today, sun warning, south Florida, and then announce what your preparedness features are in the speech. Well, lo and behold, from the San José Mercury News ten days ago, ‘Scientists to Warn Public of Danger on Hot Days. San Jose officials have partnered with the National Weather Service to better understand exactly how hot, humid and sunny it needs to be in the South Bay for lives to be at risk.’ Unbelievable.

‘When they launch a ‘heat/health watch warning system’ later this month, officials hope to be able to alert the public whenever a potentially lethal heat wave is headed our way. During such an event, emergency services coordinators would open up local ‘cooling centers’ – civic buildings with air conditioners – for anyone needing to cool down. … The warning system uses an algorithm that looks at several factors such as air temperature, humidity and cloud cover level to determine if an alert is needed.’ In the meantime, we can’t factor the sun into our calculations of man-made global warming. (Laughing.) ‘Scientists to Warn Public of Danger on Hot Days.’ Do you realize we’re just a bunch of children in these people’s view? We’ve got a column here in the stack and I can’t remember right now who wrote it, but I’ll find out because the guy deserves credit. The Breck Girl is running around out there talking about these two Americas, and this guy says there are two Americas, there’s the politicians’ America and then there’s the people who work in America. The politicians’ America is an America of legislation, regulation, limits, nanny state behavior, entitlements, welfare state, which destroys that segment of America, and there are details on how that has happened coming up on the big program today. Then there’s the real America where things are fine and growing, and thankfully the real America is still the one propelling the whole country, but the politicians’ America is one in which they have the power and the control and they’re of course always attempting to acquire more of it.



RUSH: I mentioned this column earlier in the program and I told you I was going to look for the author — his name is Paul Jacob. It’s at Townhall.com. Paul Jacob is senior advisor at the Sam Adams Alliance. That’s at Townhall.com member group. This has nothing to do with the beer, for those of you in Rio Linda. Sam Adams Alliance is a think tank. It’s entitled ‘The Two Americas.’ He says, ‘Could Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards actually be right about something? Not where to go to get a haircut, mind you, I mean about there being two Americas. There is the vibrant America … and the stagnant one.

‘There is the America of ever-increasing wealth, innovation, creativity, of a dynamic economy, new jobs, new products and services. Choices galore. Information overload. The abundant work product of freedom. And there is the politician’s America: The regulated America, the subsidized America, the earmarked America. The failing America. In one America it is what you produce that gets you ahead. In the other it’s who you know. In one America, to earmark some money means setting aside funds (into savings) for a purchase — a car, house, college. In the other America, to earmark is to grab from taxpayers to give to cronies. It is the highest rite of career politicians: buying their votes with other people’s money. Oh, there have been reforms, sure. But a recent bill in the House contained 32,000 earmark requests. In one America, we decide what we pay for. We choose constantly about little things and big. We call the shots. Or we walk down the street and associate with someone else. So we have some faith in those we work with. In the other America we vote. But we rarely get what we vote for.’

It really is a great way of restating the ideological arguments that exist in the country today and the results that each ideology, conservatism versus liberalism, ends up producing.

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