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RUSH: The Daily Mail in the UK: “The BBC has been ruined by women producing ‘terrible programmes’, according to Sir Patrick Moore. The astronomer said the corporation needed to revert to the ‘golden days’ when the news was presented by men with impeccable English.”We have talked about on this program before the subject of the fact that newsrooms, local and national newsrooms in television have been overrun with women, and here’s what he says.”He was asked whether television had got better or worse during his career. He replied ‘much worse’ and added: ‘The trouble is that the BBC is now run by women and it shows – soap operas, cooking, quizzes, kitchen-sink plays. ‘You wouldn’t have had that in the golden days.’ Asked about female newsreaders, he said: ‘There was one day (in 2005) when BBC News went on strike.

“‘Then we had the headlines read by a man, talking the Queen’s English, reading the news impeccably. Oh, for the good old days.'”It’s a generational thing going on here obviously.The man is 84 years old and everybody that age looks back and thinks that the golden age was the era in which they lived.He may have a point here.But there’s no denying that women have become more prevalent in editor and producer positions.We’ve called it the chickification of the news here.One of the things that results from the chickification of the news is, we have to have dialogue.We just have to have dialogue.We’re going to have dialogue, the hell with whether anything being discussed is properly built, true, or any of this.It’s all about feeling good about ourselves.We have to have closure after the dialogue.We must have closure.


RUSH: Here’s Heather in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Heather, nice to have you on the EIB Network. Welcome.

CALLER: Hi! Awesome to talk to you.

RUSH: Well, thank you.

CALLER: I’m calling because I wanted to ask you a question. You often use the phrase feminization of America or chickification of the news and I’m wondering what you mean exactly by that.

RUSH: Well, do you watch Channel 13 in Sacramento? It seems pretty obvious to me.

CALLER: No, I don’t. No.

RUSH: Okay, what do I mean by the feminization of America?

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: What I mean by the feminization of America is that feminist doctrine of the modern era which has its roots in the late sixties and early seventies has cowed men. Men now have linguini spines, and women and the way they think and do things, are pretty much taking over or are making inroads in a lot of places, particularly in education, all the way up to higher education.


RUSH: Look, would you agree with me that men and women are different?

CALLER: Absolutely.

RUSH: All right. Well, women are what they are and who they are, and men used to be who they are, or were, but men are trapped. Men, they’ll do anything to get where they want to go, the Promised Land, if you know what I mean. So there’s just been a general decline of masculine culture, masculinity, and when it shows up it’s lampooned and made fun of and it’s called brute force and so forth. The chickification of the news is nothing more than you admit to me that men and women are different, women look at things different, they have different interests, and they now have more positions of prominence in the news business than they used to have.

CALLER: So I guess what I’m trying to say, though, is that to emasculate a man isn’t the same as feminizing him. Like I don’t think that the lack of masculinity is femininity. So to me like when you’re saying that you’re kind of saying like to be a woman is to be linguini-spined.

RUSH: To be a woman is to be what?

CALLER: Linguini-spined, when you say that.

RUSH: No, no, no, no. Men are linguini-spined when they become like women. But women are not linguini-spined. You’re opening a big can of worms here because I actually think that in many cases, women have stronger constitutions than men, and this proves it.

CALLER: What proves it, me?

RUSH: No, no. Not you. The fact that men are capitulating all over the place.

CALLER: Okay. Okay. I guess that makes sense, because I just think the concept of what’s feminine and what’s masculine is tricky because it’s easy to say like, yes, there’s a difference —

RUSH: All right, you hang on. I’ve got a story buried deep in the stack that you have reminded me is there. Tell you what, you just hold on through the break and then I will use this to illustrate what I’m talking about. Can you?

CALLER: I’d love to.

RUSH: Good. Thank you.


RUSH: Back now to Heather in Grand Rapids, Michigan. All right, you still there?

CALLER: I sure am.

RUSH: Hubba hubba. I found this story. It’s from SpringerScience.com — well, Springer, dash, SBM.com. Let me just read the first paragraph. I’m going to summarize what the story says. “New evidence on sex differences in people’s brains and behaviors emerges with the publication of results from the BBC’s sex ID Internet survey. Survey questions and tests focused on participants’ sex-linked cognitive abilities, personality traits, interests, sexual attitudes and behavior, as well as physical traits. The archives of sexual behavior has devoted a special section in its April 2007 issue to research papers based on the BBC data.” Now, this is sort of high end in terms of its literature, so let me just summarize this. They conclude based on their massive survey that men are different than women. Now, why would somebody have to do a survey to conclude this, I ask you, Heather. I’ll never forget TIME Magazine in the late nineties, or in the mid-nineties, actually ran a cover as though they were shocked, “New research indicates men and women are born different.”

CALLER: It’s outrageous. And I think the fact that we know that hormones affect behavior and men and women have different hormones, I mean to me —

RUSH: They see things differently, men and women see things differently. This is not a criticism, it’s a simple recognition. Let me give you an illustration. Do you remember the Menendez brothers trial?

CALLER: Just barely.

RUSH: Well, let me refresh your memory on this. Lyle and whatever the other Menendez brother, were accused of killing their mom and dad. In court testimony, one of the Menendez brothers admitted he fired point-blank into his mother’s face, but she was still alive so he went out to the car, reloaded, came back and made sure she was dead by firing again point-blank. There were six female jurors from Los Angeles, and they all said, “We felt so sorry for him because he’s not going to have his parents anymore.”

CALLER: (Laughing.)

RUSH: And we’re looking at this, of course not! He killed them! “Yes, but it’s so sad, those were really nicely boys.”

CALLER: Those are pathetic representatives of women, then.

RUSH: No, I’m not saying it is. I was just going to say, this is not symptomatic of all women, but that viewpoint is becoming more and more predominant in our culture. There are activists of certain persuasions, and there are people who are docile. We conservatives happen to be very docile. We sit around and let this wave of cultural and sociological change to sweep over us because we’re not out in the streets marching; we’re not out there saying everything said and done offends us. We’re out working; we’re productive; we’re making the country work. These people are just out agitating because they’re not happy with themselves in general. They’re miserable people and trying to spread the misery to everybody else. How can you disagree with me in the feminization of culture when you look at what happened to the US military during the Clinton administration? It became a social playground, experimentation playground: women in combat, don’t ask, don’t tell. The mission of the military changed drastically to become socially acceptable according to who’s terms? Rather than a lean, mean fighting machine designed kill the enemy and break their stuff.

CALLER: Yeah, I guess what I’d say is that they’re redefining what femininity is.

RUSH: Well, feminism has done that, yes.

CALLER: Yes, completely.

RUSH: And they’ve sort of trashed femininity, if it includes relationships and joy and happiness derived from —

CALLER: Motherness, yes. Yeah. I think a classic example is — I might get in trouble for this — but blatantly homosexual men are often described as effeminate and I think that’s outrageous because I don’t know any women who behave the way those men do. It’s like a caricature.

RUSH: Well, I wish you hadn’t brought that up because I have to tell you what’s in this brilliant BBC report.

CALLER: Oh, no.

RUSH: In addition to the news and this — I mean thoroughly researched, many, many participants in the survey, not only did they conclude that men are different than women, they also conclude that homosexuals think like women.

CALLER: Thanks a lot, man.

RUSH: It’s in here, it’s the BBC saying this. It’s right here. Homosexuals think more like women. Now, I have to say that neither of these shocked me, and I was curious as to why we needed a survey. Men and women are different, homosexuals think more like women.

CALLER: Well, they try to.

RUSH: Well, try or what, this is not an indictment, just a sociological observation. By the way, have another study that just came in from the BBC. They’ve concluded that water is wet. How ridiculous. So anyway, the chickification of the news is simply an adjunct of that. It’s based and rooted in the fact that woman look at things differently than men do and when they get in positions of power and authority their world view, their influence is going to be felt. And you can see it. Whether you want to be critical of it or not is another thing, but it certainly exists.

CALLER: So would you say that Condoleezza Rice is a feminine woman?

RUSH: Yes. She’s a lady. Condoleezza Rice is a lady. Yeah, she’s a woman and she’s a lady. I don’t know how she acts with these guys in private, but I don’t imagine she’s a pushover.

CALLER: Right. Right. Okay. So I guess I’m just trying to say like that there’s different ways of being feminine that are both — actually I think Condoleezza’s way of being is more genuine and more true than the caricatures of femininity that the feminists try to hoist on everyone.

RUSH: Okay. Forget that. Let me ask you. Do you think Nancy Pelosi is feminine? Is she a lady? Is she a woman? How does she strike you?

CALLER: Yikes.

RUSH: Now, take politics out of it, take politics out.

CALLER: Okay. Okay.

RUSH: Wait a minute. Another great example. Feminization of culture. The day that she’s inaugurated as the Speaker of State, not speaker of the House, speaker of the state, there she is on the House floor — and this is traditional, she’s not the first to have done it, she’s got family out there. Big day. First female Speaker of State. She’s got grandkids being balanced on her knees, she’s got kids running around and all that, and Charlie Gibson of ABC News, and I don’t doubt that a female editor or producer wrote this for him to read on the TelePromTer because that’s what happens at newsrooms on television, talked about how, “Look at this, isn’t that a wonderful sight. She can not only take care of her grandchildren and children, she can take care of the country at the same time.” That is what I mean by the feminization. You would no more have had Walter Cronkite report something like that in that fashion 60 years ago, 40 years ago than you would have anybody else discussing it.

These are just cultural and sociological shifts. And from that observation, we’re supposed to conclude, by the way, that because of this new-found sensitivity, the ability to balance grandchildren and children on the knee and take care of the country at the same time, that somehow this is a step forward. See, what you have to understand about the left, Heather, and all of this is based in liberalism, is that incumbent in it, or inclusive in it is the slam at traditions and institutions that have come before. The advance of liberalism is always said to be major progress. That’s what I disagree with. It is not major progress. The advance of liberalism is destructive to traditions and institutions that have made the country great. The advance of liberalism is destructive to customs and tried and true ways for society, populations to manage themselves in law-abiding ways and other ways. They’re tearing things down constantly on the basis of false premises. One of the false premises out there is that women are somehow more competent and able because of the differences, their sensitivity or whatever to do things than men are, and this has been something that’s part and parcel of feminism since 1969, 1970. That’s what I remember the modern era of it actually commencing because that’s when it started impacting my life. And I’m telling you, I do not have fond memories of it, folks, and I never will.


RUSH: To Livermore, California, this is Yvonne, and I’m glad you waited. Welcome to the program.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. Home schooling conservative California, amazingly, dittos.

RUSH: Thank you very much.

CALLER: Great to talk to you. It’s been great to sit and listen to the parodies as well, but I wanted to touch on the issue that you had with the woman, I believe she was from Grand Rapids.

RUSH: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

CALLER: And at the end of your conversation you kind of stole my thunder a little but I just want to touch on the issue of the verbiage, and I think this is where people maybe get a little confused as to your position or even probably my position, is that feminism and feminist is not equal to being feminine or a strong woman. It’s a matter of actually just devaluing men and their God-given role in society and elevating —

RUSH: Okay. That’s another way of saying that the feminization of culture —

CALLER: Exactly.

RUSH: — is taking place, but it’s not that — you’re half right. Feminism is not just about devaluing the male. It’s also about changing the general human nature of women as well.

CALLER: Absolutely.

RUSH: It tries to make them like men while devaluing men.

CALLER: Absolutely. And I think, especially as a home schooling mom, I am learning so much about the correct and true history, not just of our nation, but specifically I’m thinking of pioneer women and women during the Revolutionary War, and just up until like you say the last 50 years, you had to have a lot of strength to be a woman and to fulfill your role in society, and that role was valued. The men’s role was valued. You didn’t have time to be trying to take over their role because you were just busy trying to do your role. You see this in commercials today, I have two daughters —

RUSH: I tell you what, hold your thought, I gotta take a break.


RUSH: But, folks, once again to help you understand this, what we’re talking about here is the steady and slow encroachment of liberalism into our culture.


RUSH: We’re still with Yvonne in Livermore, California. You were saying, Yvonne?

CALLER: Well, I was just saying I can testify to the change in our culture. I’m trying to raise two girls, and it’s a daily struggle to combat this devaluation really of both sexes to a degree, but especially of men. We see it on commercials on TV. My girls see, you know, the man being treated as an idiot all the time. And of course the women know everything. It’s just a real struggle in daily life to combat that.

RUSH: Sadly, that’s pretty accurate that’s what they’re going to face out there. It’s what they’re going to end up thinking.

CALLER: Not if we can help it.

RUSH: Not quite that far. Look, let me cut to the chase here, Yvonne, and try to explain this, because you said something very important. You were talking about the history research you’ve done. You’ve gone back in time to the pioneer women and eras such as that and you found really strong women in their roles and you found really strong men at the same time in their roles. I know I do a lot of joking here because I love stereotypical humor. I love mother-in-law jokes, such as, you know what a real quandary is? To see your brand-new Cadillac go over the cliff but your mother-in-law’s tongue stuck in the seat belt clip. I’ve always liked those kind of jokes. You can’t tell those jokes anymore. People out there, “Limbaugh hates women,” and so forth, and it would be all over the place as though it really was representative of my attitude about women. That’s not the case at all.

I happen to think that the real problem here is that there was nothing wrong with the natural roles created by God for men and women, and it wasn’t until a bunch of liberal activists came along and started creating this war between the sexes that things got out of hand. Activism is almost always a province of the left, and it almost always works, because people who are not leftists just sit out there and let this stuff wash over. They got no time to rise and up fight it, and besides, if they do, they’re labeled, and most people don’t have the stomach to get into those kinds of fights and disagreements, so they just go docile, move behind a gate, a gated community and let the world deteriorate around them while they try to insulate themselves from it. I think about both of my grandmothers and my mother, I’ve always marveled at the genuine toughness and emotional strength of women. It’s always been something that I have admired.

We all have formative experiences, and I’ve said this before. The formative experience in my parents’ lives was the Great Depression. That shaped the way they looked at life the rest of their life. So did World War II. So did Khrushchev showing up and banging the shoe at the United Nations. My grandparents, too, all of these things had profound impact on the way they raised my brother and me and the way they lived their lives. Well, I haven’t gone through anything like that. Great Depression, World War II, that sort of thing. The closest we’ve had to what they had to go through was the Soviet threat, which was real at the time. But that fight had already begun. The Cold War had already begun. We are born into the fight. We didn’t have to have the guts to start the fight and stand up to the Khrushchevs and the Brezhnevs and the Yuri Andropovs and so forth, and that’s why it was crucial that somebody like Reagan was elected president in the eighties, somebody who had enough age and seasoning to understand it.

One of the risks that we face today is that leaders are going to be born that don’t remember all those challenges and don’t remember enough history to understand what the country really faced. So you end up with people like John Kerry who think the problem with America in the world is America, and that we’re alienating allies and we’re not consulting them, when we do — it’s absolutely absurd. Now we’ve got the surrender and own defeat Democrats who refuse to recognize the true threats that we face. I’ve gotten a little bit off tangent here. But the formative experience, one of the many in my life, and I kid you not, I’d just become 18 in 1969, and I remember, I was working at a local radio station in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, and every Saturday morning I had to go out and do a remote broadcast at the local Sears. In those days you took the little bench out, looked like a miniature piano, had two turn tables on it and the control dials, and you patched it in through a phone line and so forth. You had to do all this yourself because there were no engineers. Sears had sponsored this thing, were buying an hour or two hours. The point was to draw a crowd into Sears to see the radio show taking place.

This Saturday morning show was unlike the one that I did during the week. I’d started when I was 16, so I’d been doing this for two years. I’m 18, in my senior year of haskrool, and I remember one of these Saturday mornings, they said, “We want you to bring in some kids from high school to talk about issues that they’re facing.” That was my first taste into how formulaic radio is done. But I didn’t know that at the time, I just said, “Okay, fine.” I just wanted to be on the radio. I didn’t pick the high school people. I don’t remember who did. I might have had a hand in it. Doesn’t matter. One of the girls, also a senior, came in, and she was on this show at ten o’clock in the morning at Sears, she was a firebrand for feminism. I’m hearing about it for the first time. At the time, I don’t think anything is a big deal. I wasn’t the political guy then that I am now. I had awareness, but I just wanted to be a radio guy. I wanted to play the records and play the hits. I had a discussion here, these high school kids, feminism, where is this coming from? I was not familiar with it at all. After that, of course, it’s like the first time I saw a lot of cars on the road that I have never, ever seen before. I see one, gee, what the hell is that? Then it seems like I see ten of them every day after that.

Well, after this first exposure to this firebrand high school senior on feminism, and she wasn’t angry, she was newly enlightened. She had learned something they thought was revolutionary, and she had been told that women had been eating the excrement sandwich for too long and it was time now to go grab the mustard and maybe some ketchup and finally change the menu entirely. She was going on and on and on and on about how they’ve been repressed, and they’ve been oppressed, and women have been made to conform to men’s demands for too long, and it was time to get active in this. I’m listening to all of it; first I’ve ever heard of it. It was shortly after — well, a year after that that — that I left my hometown. I went to my first job away from home, which was in Pittsburgh, and it was infested with women like that. I’m 20 and 21 years old, and I’m not kidding you, open a car door and you get yelled at. Folks, I’m not making this up. These are not clichs and made-up stories. The idea that if you complimented a woman’s appearance you were insulting her brain or objectifying her was something that was real. For ten years, if I thought a woman was good-looking, I would apologize before noticing it and saying so. I don’t mean to offend you here, but even to this day I still do that on occasion, if it’s a professional woman. That’s how big a formative experience this was.

So I still am quite reserved in dealing with this kind of thing, because until I get to know them, because I don’t know what the reaction is gonna be, and I’m just telling you, this is happening throughout our culture. Everybody is sitting around and pausing and waiting before they say anything, because they don’t want to either get yelled at, they don’t want to be offensive, or what you have. So we’ve got people walking on eggshells. We’ve got men and women that no longer know how to — well, I think it’s changing now, because feminism, while it’s still deeply rooted, some of the things that it tried to accomplish bombed major and big time, and one of the reasons was because the early feminists sought to remake women in the image of men: careers, attire, climb the corporate ladder, do all these things, get rid of this whole notion of having a home and a family. Men would love to have a family as long as they never went home. Men would love to be able to have a family and have the wife raise the kids but spend all the time on the golf course. Then it came about, the new definition of the ideal husband was if he was the one that got up at three in the morning to change diapers.

Do you wonder why I don’t have kids? I was not going to marry a woman like that. I was not going to have the definition of manhood and husbandhood defined by this kind of role reversal. “Well, didn’t you care about the kids?” That was not the point. I was not going to be dictated to by some cultural change that was nothing more than a grand intervention in human nature. I know why, the feminists were upset about how unkind nature was to them, they’re trying to get even by changing basic human nature. Folks, I am the exaggerating. Those experiences when I’m 19 and when I’m 20 and 21, this is supposed to be when you’re out there sowing your wild oats and praying for crop failure every morning. Some of these women, if they did engage in that, they wouldn’t pull the goalie on you, and so you were running the risk of — well, men might understand that. You know what I mean by that, Dawn, pull the goalie? Don’t take the pill? (Laughing) Snerdley’s on the floor. He’s on the floor. (Laughing.) Well, crop failure, pulling the goalie. I don’t want to beat this into the ground, but talk about formative experiences in life, and this feminism stuff, women started disliking men, they resented them. I’ve told you the story. I once, when I went to Kansas City, friend of mine, a news director, said, “There’s a babe you gotta meet and go out to dinner with.” I said, “Okay, fine.” All she wanted to talk about was Susan Brownmiller’s latest book which she hadn’t read which is the case for rape or case about rape or whatever it was and the premise that rape is not a sex crime, it’s a violent crime.

So I’m saying, what do I do? She’s not having any fun in life. She’s just balled up with angst and all this stuff. So I went out, bought the book and I gave it to her. I tried to engage in serious discussions about it, and after I scratched my head, I said this is just, you know, I’ll spend some time on it, okay, rape is a serious thing, but good Lord I’m not going to sit here and be preached to. We went from that to men are predators, your wife better not call social services on you, you’re going to lose your kids, and the feminists had this natural presumption that men are predators, they’re going to beat up their kids. I don’t know, folks. It just totally, totally, totally messed things up. (interruption) What do you mean how do I order dinner? Oh. Yeah. Well, H.R. wants to know how do you order dinner with that kind of stuff going on. That’s another thing. In the good old refined days you’d ask the date, “What do you like for dinner?” and you’d tell the waiter, what you want, what she wants. “I can make up my own mind, and I can talk.” Jeez, okay, I was just trying to be polite! Don’t scream at me here. I was just trying to be polite. I got judged on everything I said and did in the basis of the feminist context. It just got to be too much. And then, on those rare occasions, on those rare occasions, Snerdley, I want you to hear this, on those rare occasions where I had a date in Pittsburgh with a woman who had not yet been touched by this stuff, I still managed to blow it.

There was this great restaurant out in Irwin. It’s no longer longer there, called Ben Gross, and they had the greatest old wine sommelier in there, his name was Fritz. I just loved this place. I didn’t know anything about wine. I walked in there one night, finally had a date with just a standard, ordinary issue decent female. So I’m putting on the, “Hey, Fritz, you have a good year for a fine red?” He looks at me, he says, “For you, sir, the year you drink it.” So he destroyed me and he was trying to make a joke. At any rate, I think the basic problem, to sum up here, is not women being weak and men being feminized. It’s just the fact that they created a war, and they got all these women thinking that they were being short-changed and denied and so forth and they were being devalued when the role that women have traditionally played in free societies is invaluable, and they got all these women all fussed up and Gussed up about how they were getting used and taken advantage of. I don’t know, folks, it just hasn’t been fun.


RUSH: Yes, it is. It’s hilarious.

“Dear Rush: When you mentioned that men will pray for crop failure the morning after and about women pulling the goalie, when my wife found out what all that meant, she became very angry. Well, I just told her to shut up and enjoy the show and stop complaining and she did. Great show.”

Dawn said, “That’s not funny.”

We all said, “It may not be funny, but it’s life.”


RUSH: Sandra in Fort Worth, I’m glad you waited, welcome to the EIB Network.

CALLER: Hi, Rush, thanks for taking my call. Mega dittos.

RUSH: Thank you very much.

CALLER: This is my third time to call. The first time I called you was early nineties when a seminar participant said to me, “You’re a dittohead,” so when I found out what that was, I became one.

RUSH: (Laughing.) Thank you.

CALLER: You keep me with song. Barack the magic — I’ll go on. Three things. You said chickification, and that’s what sort of got me started.

RUSH: Chickification of the news.

CALLER: Yeah. Okay, first of all, I think it’s deeper, and really, from talking earlier, I wanted to say to Yvonne who was on earlier, you know, go for it girl, stay with your girls. But chickification is more like sexification, and it’s really what you were talking about; it’s a new age encroachment that says the natural order doesn’t work, which, you know, you’re real familiar with, but I really, chickification is real limited, Rush. It’s not women’s, quote, fault, and it’s just like you once said, I’ll quote you, you said, feminization is not really feminine. You’re right. If it were feminine, then it would be in the natural order of things.

RUSH: Right, wouldn’t have to change it, wouldn’t call it feminism.

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: What’s your problem with chickification? We’re in the communication business here.

CALLER: Well, because it sounds like that women have created the problem. And actually chickification is really very male, if you think about it, because it’s more like boobification. I heard Cal Thomas —

RUSH: No, it’s not like boobification. You’re drawing all these inferences here that I don’t imply with chickification.

CALLER: Well, what got me kind of on that was Yvonne saying, you know, she has trouble telling her daughter things to wear because of what they see, and I was in a high school, I do mentoring in high schools here, and I was in a high school mentoring the other day and the teachers were upset because they were having a dress code violation. This girl came in with just something that wasn’t appropriate for school.

RUSH: Well, tell us, what was it?

CALLER: Well, the girl says, well, why not, and you look at Law & Order —

RUSH: Well, no, no, no, no. What was she dressed like?

CALLER: Oh. She had on a — what do you call it, T thing, you know, a tank top that uncovered about half of her bosom.

RUSH: Covered about half of the bosom, you said?

CALLER: Yeah. Here’s the deal. In high school today it really is sexification, and it’s not just the news, it’s TV as well, but you’ve got these kids going down high school halls, and that’s just where my passion is with high school kids, and you’ve got these guys wearing their pants below their rear end, okay. To pull them up —

RUSH: Maybe they just want to be plumbers and they’ve got a class at vo-tech later in the day.

CALLER: Yes, but when they pull them up, what I’ve noticed — now, I’m going to try to really make this clean, when they pull them up, where do they pull? So you’ve got high school girls walking around half dressed because that’s what they see on TV, that’s what they see the Law & Order people going to work in, that must be the appropriate dress. Then you have guys pulling up their pants. Get my message? So you get all this stuff going that has nothing to do with education. Now, we can get off on education, I understand there are problems there —

RUSH: We already got off on it. We called here to talk about the chickification of news and you’re talking about high school dress codes.

CALLER: Well, because they see the news. Kids look at what we’re putting in front of them on that tube as their models. They don’t know anything else, they’re kids. And it’s very hard —

RUSH: Oh, come on, my parents thought The Beatles were the second coming of Satan because of their long hair, you know, I mean —

CALLER: Mine did, too.

RUSH: This doesn’t change. I realize some people think that the culture has been debased even more than — I wouldn’t argue with it in some instances. Once you keep changing the line and drawing the line further and further and further, eventually you’re going to get to the point where it’s just puerile, but the way they’re dressing up, my gosh, nothing is going to change that. About the only thing that that represents to me is the failure of feminism. And in that sense, I kind of like it.

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