Gay Community Update: Queer IQ

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 9,2007

RUSH: Here’s a story from Psychology Today. The headline pretty much says it all, but a few more details. ‘Queer IQ: the Gay Couple’s Advantage.’ The subhead: ‘Gay relationships are less mired in deception than hetero relationships, perhaps even less prone to friction, according to multiple studies.’ I’m telling you just what it says here. It’s Psychology Today. No, it’s a crock of fudge, is what it is. Anyway, it says here, ‘Most lesbians don’t fear rapacious women and gay men need not always soft-peddle their sexual predilections. On balance, gays and lesbians understand their partners’ bodies and biases with a certainty that many a clueless ‘breeder’ yearns for.’ Can I read this to you again? Want to hear this again?

Be careful, Rachel, because they’re going to make your kid in school read this and you’re going to have to go read with her or her grade will suffer. That’s what they’re doing with Algore’s movie. Why not this stuff? Grab the Gay Community Update Theme Song. I forget it. We haven’t had one of these in so long it slipped my mind. See if you can find it real quick here, Mike, before I go any further. If you find it just stick it in there and play it, I’ll be able to hear it and know that you’ve started it, because this is big news here, I gotta do a Gay Community Update on this, and it’s been so long since we have heard Klaus Nomi. Have you heard our gay community update theme? Oh, Rachel. Rachel, Rachel, Rachel! See? You spend too much time watching Gore’s movie. Here we go. Klaus Nomi, and our official gay community update theme. This, by the way, again from Psychology Today.

(Playing of ‘You Don’t Own Me,’ the Gay Community Update Theme.)

RUSH: Oh, man! What a thrill it is to be able to dig this song out of the archives, ladies and gentlemen. Klaus Nomi, the great Klaus Nomi who’s also the late great Klaus Nomi. If you’re wondering what this guy looks like, all I can tell you is that when I listened to this for the first time and I imagined the looks of the guy singing it, and then I saw a photo of Klaus Nomi, I was right on the money, and you probably are too. We’ll have a picture at RushLimbaugh.com where you can buy his CDs, by the way, at the end of our day today when we update the website to reflect the contents of today’s program. We’re building up here to the big climax!

(song continues)

RUSH: If you’re driving, you might want to pull over at this point.

(song continues)

RUSH: (applauding) Klaus Nomi, and you don’t Nomi! That’s a takeoff on Lesley Gore and ‘You Don’t Own Me.’ All right, here’s the news again. This is from Psychology Today, and I’m just going to read the headline: ‘Queer IQ: the Gay Couple’s Advantage — Gay relationships are less mired in deception and perhaps even less prone to friction, according to multiple studies. There will always be a battle between the sexes because men and women want different things,’ quipped comedian George Burns. ‘Men want women and women want men.’ But when men want men and women want women, each couple can circumvent treacherous romantic terrain because partners more closely share sexual appetites and mind-reading abilities than do heterosexual pairs.’ Mind reading abilities? See, here we go. ‘Most lesbians don’t fear rapacious women and gay men need not always soft-peddle their sexual predilections. On balance, gays and lesbians understand their partners’ bodies and biases with a certainty that many a clueless ‘breeder’ [heterosexual] yearns for. ‘Homosexuality could be viewed in some respects as the triumph of the individual’s mating intelligence over the gonads’ evolutionary interests,” says the article. I’m just telling you what’s out there, folks, Psychology Today.