Rush Baby Remembers Rush’s First Day!

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 5,2007

RUSH: This is Ephraim in Manhattan. Welcome to the EIB Network. It’s nice to have you with us.

CALLER: Hi, Rush, it’s an honor. I am a Rush Baby who was actually promoted to a White House internship last semester, in the fall of 2006. I’m 21 years old, and I started listening to you with my dad when I was two years old when David Dawson introduced you in New York. I’m from a bastion of liberalism from the West Side, and I just wanted to just really thank you for always being an inspiration for me.

RUSH: Wow.

CALLER: Actually during my time in DC I had the honor of seeing you at the Warner Theatre. I was in there in the audience, but you have always been an inspiration to me, Rush, and it’s an honor to speak to you and it was an honor to serve the president last night.

RUSH: Well, thank you. You were there for one semester?

CALLER: I was there for a semester, yes and it was just a true honor and it all started, I think it all started at two years old on WABC New York.

RUSH: Do you really remember that?

CALLER: I really do. I always listened to radio. Actually in college I had a radio show of my own, and I actually later was an intern at WABC last summer, an unofficial intern, but I actually do remember just two years old, especially coming home on Fridays early or just coming home, always making time for you, Rush, and always listening in.

RUSH: My gosh, you’re making my year here. At two years old you, you remember my first day on WABC? That was July 4th of 1988.

CALLER: Well, yeah, actually consider it an early… Well, I know last year I said you complained that nobody was wishing you a happy Father’s Day so this year I’m wishing you in advance. A true Rush baby wishing you a happy Father’s Day in advance.

RUSH: Thank you, thank you, thanks so much.

CALLER: You’re a true hero to me.

RUSH: I’ve actually retracted that nobody wishes me a happy father day complaint. I’m actually happy that that doesn’t happen now. (Laughing.) Just kidding, people! Back off out there. Do you remember Dave Dawson introducing me at two years old?

CALLER: Well, I’m going to pass it on from my father also. This is coming from the West Side of Manhattan here, I remember you got an e-mail about a month ago from somebody you said was from Manhattan on the West Side, and I just wanted to put in somewhat of a good name for the neighborhood. It was a rather unpleasant e-mail, I think.

RUSH: Well, I understand. The people on the West Side of Manhattan, it’s Moscow on the Hudson. But there are pockets of refugees in there like you.

CALLER: Or individuals who are willing to stand up against — to be unpopular and to stand up and follow your ways, Rush.

RUSH: What are you going to do, Ephraim? What’s next for you? You’ve done your White House internship. What’s next?

CALLER: The truth is I’m not sure yet. I know that I’ve always been into serving the country, especially the last few years I’ve gotten more and more interested. I’m interested in serving the country, and we really need — like you always speak about we really do need — leadership these days. We need leaders, and I’m not necessarily looking to run for anything. That’s really not what I want. Maybe even more of a support role, but I’m just looking to…

RUSH: Aim high.

CALLER: I don’t want be cliché but make a difference but in a real way.

RUSH: Well, no, no. Aim high. Aim high. You can do a lot of things in a support role, but aim high.

CALLER: I appreciate it, Rush.

RUSH: All right.

CALLER: I’ve always derived that inspiration from you, and actually you’re one of the — there are few people I’ve always really wanted to meet in life is that over the past few years, and, well, the president was one of them, and I got that one, but you are still really one of those, I’ve seen you in person but still too far off at the Warner Theatre. But this is as good as it gets to the real thing.

RUSH: Well, I really appreciate your saying that. Thank you so much.

CALLER: Thank you so much, Rush.

RUSH: You bet. Have a great weekend.