See, I Told You So?Obama Godlike to the Godless

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 3,2007

RUSH: Folks, that sculpture of Barack Obama as Jesus Christ has caused quite a stir and they’ve taken the thing down because of controversy over it. Who’s the artiste? ‘David Cordero, 24, made the sculpture for his senior show after noticing all the attention Obama has received since he first hinted he may run for the presidency.’ Cordero said this: ‘All of this is a response to what I’ve been witnessing and hearing, this idea that Barack is sort of a potential savior that might come and absolve the country of all its sins. In a lot of ways it’s about caution in assigning all these inflated expectations on one individual, and expecting them to change something that many hands have shaped.’ It’s wearing Jesus robes and a neon blue halo. It looks like Barack Obama. This Chicago art school is where this thing was on display, an undergraduate student’s papier-mâché sculpture as a messianic figure entitled ‘Blessing’ went on display Saturday and it’s caused quite a stir.

Now, when I read what this guy said about his perception of Obama, I, of course, was reminded of me. How is it that I first attempted to explain this seemingly inexplicable appeal to Barack Obama? I said, ‘He is godlike to the godless.’ I said it. He’s godlike to the godless, and here comes this guy, David Cordero, with his papier-mâché sculpture of Obama, which is pretty much saying in more words the same thing that I said.


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