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RUSH: More sad news this morning. Tony Snow’s cancer is back. It’s been a rough four or five days here for the people in politics who have come down with cancer. John and Elizabeth Edwards, now Tony Snow. He had colon cancer. He had his colon removed. They found another spot that they thought was clean and benign. He went to the hospital yesterday, did some tests, and it’s back. It has metastasized and it has moved to the liver now. No word on the prognosis, but aggressive treatments are going to begin soon.

I guess, most likely, that’s chemotherapy. So we are sort of melancholy here over all this today. I’m sure the prayers and thoughts of everybody who’s heard the news go out to Tony and his family with this recurrence. He’s beaten it once, and vows to beat it again. It’s back for the second time, and it’s now moved to the liver. There’s no time frame here on when his return to work will be.

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