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I got some news for you parents out there who believe that thepublic schools are doing a great job safeguarding your kids (…since most of you farmed-out raising them to the schools). According to the Agriculture Department — which runs the school lunch programs — millions of American children eat in school cafeterias that aren’t properly inspected.

The US Congress, in its infinite wisdom, mandated that all school cafeterias have to get a health inspection — not once — but twice a year. But itturns out that ten percent of public schools didn’t have any inspection last year; another 30 percent were visited only once. Ken Kelly, an attorney for the Center for Science in the Public Interest –a busybody “consumer” group — says this doesn’t necessarily mean there will be more cases of food poisoning, “but it contributes to all the other little things — temperatures, rat droppings — all those things that could make your child sick.”

Now, how big is the threat? Well, it’s huge, folks! I mean, nearly half of American schoolkids — 30 million of them– take part in the school lunch program, and are therefore at risk. From rat droppings. And “temperatures.”

Think about it. In the old days — before government took over the lunch racket and tied it to school funding — your kids were safe from rat droppings. And temperatures. Your kids got their grubby little meals from home and brought them to school. The lunch box industry was thriving. Everybody was happy.

Now? We’ve got big government making lunch, there are almost no inspectors, there are rat droppings — and temperatures. It’s just a sad circumstance, folks. It’s just very sad!

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