McCain and Hillary Down; Obama and Rudy Up

by Rush Limbaugh - Feb 28,2007

RUSH: By the way, a little presidential politics here. I have to note that McCain is losing ground fast to Rudy Giuliani. Did you notice this out there? Big story here in the stack of stuff that Obama is picking up the black vote. Not good news for Clinton, Inc. I think back, if McCain had actually been a Reagan conservative and not a pretender, he could have won the nomination in 2000, I think, and he would be president today. But he found the media more seductive than Reaganism. That’s going to cost him. I think that signals or shows, illustrates the biggest difference between Giuliani and McCain. Giuliani despises the Big Media, like the rest of us. The New York Times hates Rudy’s guts, folks, but, you know, McCain has pandered to them. The biggest difference is that Giuliani has been running for the Republican nomination, McCain has been running for the presidency, been running for the White House, all along. That’s what pandering and catering to the media has been all about.
RUSH: This is the Washington Post today. ?The opening stages of the campaign for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination have produced a noticeable shift in sentiment among African American voters, who little more than a month ago heavily supported Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton but now favor the candidacy of Sen. Barack Obama. Clinton, of New York, continues to lead Obama and other rivals in the Democratic contest, according to the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll. But her once-sizable margin over the freshman senator from Illinois was sliced in half during the past month largely because of Obama’s growing support among black voters.?
Now, I’m perplexed, ladies and gentlemen. We have been treated to stories in the Los Angeles Times and a number of other Drive-By Media outlets telling us that Obama is not black enough. I guess he’s getting blacker. Well, I might have helped because I pointed out he was black, since he hasn’t renounced it. He’s obviously being perceived here as becoming more black or blacker, black enough for African-Americans to get on board. Something has happened here, and, look it, when you have the Drive-By Media saying he’s not black enough and you have me saying, “But he is black,” who do you think might be influencing the shift to Obama away from Hillary?

RUSH: All right, about a minute here, and we’re going to Medford, Oregon. Mary, I’m glad you waited. Welcome to the program.
CALLER: Hi, Rush.
CALLER: Thanks for taking my call. Hey, I just wanted to tell you, I am a mother of a 20-year-old Marine who is serving his second time in Iraq, and when I heard that these people, these liberals and some Republicans were going to cut funding and support to my Marine and the guys that I know that are there, I just went ballistic. So I wrote a bunch of letters, handwritten letters, so when I heard yesterday that they reversed their decision, I told my family that it was because I wrote all those letters. So, anyway, my point is I think that a lot of people have let them know that that’s just the wrong thing to do. Punishing our soldiers!
RUSH: Well, there are two things at work here. There’s no question that tagging them as owners of defeat has reverberated and got back to them, but there’s also something else. They’re figuring out here that the November elections were not the mandate to do this that they claimed. They have failed to mobilize public opinion on this to make it happen. That’s an indication.

RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, it was only two hours ago on this very broadcast, that I shared with you a story from the Washington Post. ?The opening stages of the campaign for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination have produced a noticeable shift in sentiment among African American voters, who little more than a month ago heavily supported Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton but now favor the candidacy of Sen. Barack Obama. ? her once-sizable margin over the freshman senator from Illinois was sliced in half during the past month largely because of Obama’s growing support among black voters.? But CNN: ?Obama Getting a Cool Reception from Black America. Polls suggest whites are more likely than blacks to say America is ready for a black president, which may be part of why much of the African-American community is cool to the presidential candidacy of Sen. Barack Obama.?
These stories are both dated the same day! What are we to do now? Who are we to believe? Who are we to believe? Are we to believe CNN or the Washington Post? No, ladies and gentlemen, the way to deal with this is follow the testicle lockbox. This is how we will learn about it. By the way, Hillary is in the news, the Clintons are in the news, this pardon business. It’s in the stack. I’ll find it in a second, but I want to get to people on the phones. They’ve been patiently waiting.