Hillary Lied: Hillary ’07 vs. Hillary ’02-’03

by Rush Limbaugh - Jan 30,2007

RUSH: Yesterday we did a then-and-now with Mrs. Clinton, showing how she is literally lying over the weekend in Iowa, in Des Moines as she was describing to people how she voted for the Iraq war and what it meant. She wasn’t voting for the war, she was voting for the president to negotiate, and he mistrusted everybody and tricked her and misused her vote, which she was not authorizing anybody to go to war.
We found sound bites from 2003 speaking to Code Pink where she contradicted herself in every substantive way possible, even before the Iraq war started. ?I did my own research. The world can’t help us on this, the world won’t, just like the world didn’t help my husband in Kosovo. We have to do this alone. It’s something that must be done. We have to get rid of Saddam Hussein.? Over the weekend in Des Moines, of course, totally lying about it. We’ve got two more examples of this, just to illustrate. Again, let’s go back to Des Moines, East haskrool, town meeting, this is what she said about her position on the war.
HILLARY: I said that we should not go to war unless we have allies. So he took the authority that I and others gave him, and he misused it, and I regret that deeply.
RUSH: Yes.
HILLARY: And if we had known then what we know now there never would have been a vote and I never would have voted to give this President that authority. ? There are no do-overs in life. I wish there were. You know, I acted on the best judgment that I had at the time, and at the time I said this was not a vote for preemptive war. And the president took my vote and other votes and basically misused the authority we gave him.
RUSH: This is not just shameless. I don’t know how to describe it. She’s just lying as large as can be. This is not a white lie. This is an attempt to restate the record. Of course, the Drive-By Media has not gone back and researched any of her statements or her writings or her floor speeches from 2002 and 2003. We’ve done it. The Drive-By Media is busy researching the roots of how the Republican Party began calling the Democrats the Democrat Party, but they’re not researching and contrasting Hillary now with then. Well, we’ll continue to do the job the Drive-By Media won’t. September 15th, 2002, Meet the Depressed, Tim Russert says to Hillary, ?Do you believe that we could have disarmament without regime change??
HILLARY: I doubt it. I can support the president. I can support an action against Saddam Hussein because I think it’s in the long-term interests of our national security.
RUSH: And let’s go back to 2002 again, Senate floor, Hillary Clinton said this about Saddam Hussein.

HILLARY: In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports showed that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al-Qaeda members, though there is apparently no evidence of his involvement in the terrible events of September the 11th, 2001. It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare.
RUSH: 2002, ladies and gentlemen. 2002 on the floor of the Senate and on the stage, on the set at Meet the Depressed with Tim Russert. And now go back and listen again, go back here, we’ve got audio sound bite number four, this is what she said last weekend in Des Moines, Iowa.
HILLARY: I said that we should not go to war unless we have allies. So he took the authority and I and others gave him, and he misused it. And I regret that deeply.
RUSH: Oh, yeah.
HILLARY: If we had known then what we know now —
RUSH: Oh, yeah.
HILLARY: — there never would have been a vote and I never would have voted to give this president that authority. ? There are no do-overs in life. I wish there were. You know, I acted on the best judgment that I had at the time, and at the time I said this was not a vote for preemptive war. And the president took my vote and other votes and basically misused the authority we gave him.
RUSH: Why didn’t you say so at the time the war started? If he misused your authority and vote, why did it take you until this past weekend in Des Moines, Iowa, some three years later, almost four? Let’s go back to 2003, March the 7th, before the war started, Hillary again talking to Code Pink.
HILLARY: There is a very easy way to prevent anyone from being put into harm’s way, and that is for Saddam Hussein to disarm. And I have absolutely no belief that he will. I have to say that this is something I have followed for more than a decade. If he were serious about disarming, he would have been much more forthcoming. I ended up voting for the resolution after carefully reviewing the information, intelligence that I had available, talking with people whose opinions I trusted, trying to discount political or other factors that I didn’t believe should be in any way a part of this decision. I would love to agree with you, but I can’t, based on my own understanding and assessment of the situation.
RUSH: Her own understanding, her own assessment of the situation. She’s telling Code Pink they’re wrong, we gotta go get Saddam; we can’t depend on the rest of the world to do it. That’s in the next bite we don’t have time for because I want to go to sound bite number nine. Last night the CBS Evening News with Katie Couric, which nobody watched, which is why I’m playing the bite for you, a montage of Gloria Borger’s report. You’ll hear some background noise in there. Listen to this.
BORGER: What has Washington buzzing is the way Hillary Clinton chose to answer what seemed like a seemingly innocuous question about how she would deal with the bad actors on the world stage. Some political strategists figure it was part of the plan, to deal with the inevitable questions about her marriage: early, with humor and some attitude. There is a much more serious issue that keeps coming up, not about the former president, but the current one.
HILLARY: If we had known then what we know now, there never would have been a vote and I never would have voted to give this president that authority.
BORGER: That’s a very complicated answer, Katie, and some of the other Democratic presidential candidates have just decided to simplify. They just say they made a mistake.
RUSH: What, it’s a complicated answer, too complicated an answer to the question to say they made a mistake and the president misused their vote? You see the Drive-Bys have no interest in doing any research the last three or four years on what Hillary Clinton or any other Democrat prez candidates have said about Saddam Hussein and the war in Iraq.

RUSH: Don in Victor, Montana, you’re next. Hello, sir.
CALLER: Good morning from the big sky country of Montana.
RUSH: Yes, sir, North Dakota to Montana, we’re covering the northern tier states.
CALLER: I’m a little uncomfortable having stood in line behind all these horses this morning.
RUSH: (Laughing.)
CALLER: My comment was about Hillary. There was a fellow named Baker on Fox News this morning from a London newspaper, I don’t recall which one, and he was talking in not too complementary a fashion about Hillary giving away her values here and there on every campaign stop to where she seems like she’s only doing this for the glory of it, and I was wondering what core values she ever had to give away in the first place.
RUSH: Yeah, that was the thing I was wondering when you said that. It was on Fox News this morning, you say?
RUSH: I didn’t see it. But was it a journalist that is hopeful about her chances and is supportive and thinks that she’s blowing it?
CALLER: I don’t think so. My impression was he was calling it like he worked for Fox News, almost. He just laid out the facts that she was just giving everything away to get what she wanted, which was the presidency.
RUSH: Yeah, I’m mystified. Whether it’s core values or not, I’ve been listening to her speak, and I don’t know what she’s giving away. I assume he means she’s compromising on things? I don’t see it.
CALLER: Well, that’s it. I mean, it’s like she did have a value, maybe this motherly image that she’s trying to portend now —
RUSH: Well, when you look at Hillary Clinton, do you think mom?
RUSH: All right. Thanks for the call out there, Don.

RUSH: Let me explain this Hillary business. We’re in sort of a giddy mood here today, folks. Sometimes get a little bit off point here. But when a reporter goes on Fox and starts talking about Hillary sacrificing her core values or giving them away, all that he’s saying is that she will say whatever she has to say to get elected. She’ll lie, she’ll change her mind, she’ll say whatever she has to say, and the press as her propagandist will let her get away with it. She is not a brilliant woman. She is not the smartest woman in the world. She is a political hack who is viewed as entitled to the White House because of the career of her own that she threw away to follow the horn-dog-in-chief to Arkansas and then was humiliated for 30 years in the process while she could have really been something on her own. The question is, if her name was Hillary Smith, would anybody be talking about her as a presidential candidate? If her name was Hillary Limbaugh, would anybody be talking about her? In other words, if her last name wasn’t Clinton, she wouldn’t be anywhere.