Racist, Sexist Democrats Live in Fear of Racist, Sexist Republicans

by Rush Limbaugh - Jan 9,2007

RUSH: Jim in Atlanta, I’m glad you waited, sir. Welcome to the EIB Network.

CALLER: Thank you, Rush. Listen, I think you may be on to something about this Hillary and her tears. Last year, Peggy Noonan wrote an article and said that people know Hillary can be a man. What they don’t know is that she can be a woman. I kind of scratched my head on that, and then she had her little Oprah moment with the tears, and I thought, ah, there you go. I bet that’s it. She’s showing people she can be a woman.

RUSH: You know, I remember that. Did Peggy say, we know she can be a man–


RUSH: — but we don’t know if she can be a woman, or was it versa-vice-a?

CALLER: No, I think you had it right the first time. We know she can be a man —

RUSH: Well, yeah, that’s what Snerdley was getting mad at me about today because I was making a big deal that this — there were two things, actually three. It wasn’t just the tears, or the crocodile tears. It was in the debate when she was asked by this local reporter up there, ‘What do you feel like when you hear that so many people dislike you?’ She said, ‘It hurts my feelings.’

CALLER: (laughter) Cruel of me to laugh.

RUSH: But she did it in a likable way. She didn’t do it in a typical Hillary way. And then those guys running around saying, ‘Iron my shirt!’ See, the thing I think that people don’t understand about, when you’re talking about for the most part liberal women, I’m not trying to generalize all women, because women who are engaged and thoughtful are not going to get caught up in this kind of stuff.

CALLER: Like Peggy.

RUSH: Yeah, exactly. But the women that have grown up loving Oprah, the Oprahfication, crying about things and getting emotional, women who have grown up feeling victimized can relate to this. It’s just not fair that Hillary had to cry. That’s somebody’s being too mean. The biggest thing for women here is not that Hillary is a woman, it’s the comeback thing. Victimized women who think that they’re victims or still suffer from this notion that the world is stacked against them in business and politics love validation, they love vindication, they love revenge, and, sadly, they love ‘screw you, mister.’ I’m telling you, they do.

CALLER: Well, I’ll tell you, there’s something else, picking up on that note, in I believe the same article, where Noonan said that when a woman gets angry or even to the point of getting strident, there are women on either side of the aisle who can, to some degree, understand or even empathize with her, because they can look back on the sleights they have suffered from men. Now, this is coming from Peggy Noonan, a fairly conservative individual.

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: And I kind of thought a little more on that, I thought, ouch, that means we better, at the very at least —

RUSH: Look, I spent a lot of time on this in the first hour and that’s what you’re calling to reference. I think people who ignore this — see, what I’m trying to do here is give you some analysis, folks, that you’re not going to find in the Drive-Bys. They’re all packed up on the conventional wisdom bandwagon and heading down the tracks. They’re all saying the same thing. Now, some of them are focused on the tears and the crying. But the ‘why’ is what’s important and the fact that it goes beyond that. You know, another thing she said last night in her acceptance speech, ‘I found my voice,’ and to other Democrats and women all over television, she was human. It was a human moment, and that’s what you, by quoting Peggy mean, when you say we know she can act like a man, but can she be a woman and so forth. And Snerdley got really mad at me early in the program, ‘What do you mean falling for this, human moment? Why, she’s 60 years old.’ I said, ‘Snerdley you’re missing the point. Nobody’s talking about what’s right or wrong here. We’re talking about perceptions and we’re talking about attitudes that people have, particularly left-wing women.’

I’m telling you, if you have, for all of your public life, been perceived as Nurse Ratched, and in ten seconds become the opposite, that is a huge achievement. To get the monkey of the Nurse Ratched off your back inside of ten seconds, with a question from a woman, ‘How do you do it? How do you get up every day, how do you do your hair, how do you do this?’ And Hillary chokes up and says she’s doing it for all of us, not for her. And, by the way, what do most women do in their lives? They do everything for their kids. I’m telling you, this stuff resonates. It has nothing to do with chick loyalty, has nothing to do with women supporting her because she’s a woman. It has to do with the identification of the trials and the tribulations that she has gone through and the fact that she finally broke, or appeared to, and then recovered and came back and kicked the pants off Obama and all these people that had her buried and gone. Women love that. The Gloria Steinem, the Jane Fonda, the left wing, they love that vindication, ‘screw you, mister.’ Trust me on this, folks. Been there, lived it, not loved it, but lived it.

Gary in Charlotte, North Carolina, welcome to the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER: Hey, Rush, how you doing?

RUSH: Fine, sir, thank you.

CALLER: It’s taken me 18 years to get through.

RUSH: Well, congratulations to you, sir.

CALLER: Thank you. I just want to say hello to my brother Vinny in Queens and my cousin Valerie and Frank in San Diego. They listen in all the time and I hope they’re listening right now.

RUSH: I hope so, too. Thank you.

CALLER: Okay. This whole thing with the polls, I think they were fixed. They wanted, like you say, they wanted to make big news. They wanted to make her look like the big comeback kid of the century. I think it’s all a bunch of Barbra Streisand, okay? And that’s my opinion. And on that thing which you think is crying, I think if you focus on her cheekbones, you could see how much makeup she was wearing, that it was actually cracking when she was talking.

RUSH: Now, now, now, see this is exactly what I’m talking about. You are creating sympathy among women who don’t even like her.

CALLER: I know.

RUSH: Well, you gotta stop this. You know, you’re out there saying, ‘Those weren’t tears, her makeup cracked.’ You can say it, but I’m going to tell you there’s going to be a price. You’re going to have women who don’t even like her, ‘My God, this poor woman, doesn’t even have a chance, these guys, these Neanderthals making fun of her makeup cracking.’

CALLER: Yeah. Also, even if she does — God forbid, save the country, if she should happen to win — she’s going to have a problem getting an inaugural gown. Who’s going to make a lumberjack plaid jumpsuit, pantsuit?

RUSH: In the inaugural gown, who’s going to make a —

CALLER: A lumberjack plaid pantsuit with Timberland boots.

RUSH: What am I missing here? Why do you think she’d wear a lumberjack plaid suit for the inauguration?

CALLER: Well, that’s what most non-real women wear, don’t they? In a certain group?

RUSH: I’m lost here. I don’t get this lumberjack business. It could be my hearing. Am I hearing this right? Most non-real women — you’re talking about pantsuits. You’re throwing in the lumberjack thing here just to be funny. But this is what I mean, folks, don’t try this on the phone. Leave this to the professionals, the highly trained broadcast specialists. Don’t try it unless you have a writer, and even then, run it by somebody first. As to the pollsters being in on the fix, too many of them got it wrong, particularly on our side, too. Frank Luntz had it wrong, Frank Luntz is not going to sit there and participate in some notion, you know, create this big comeback for Hillary. So I don’t think that’s at work here. In fact, I’m going to repeat this again. I think in the Clinton camp, the Democrat side, a lot of you are going to disagree with me on this, but I warn you not to, I’m telling you that despite all the happiness that you saw, or you thought you saw, emanating from New Hampshire last night, the Democrat Party right now is in a bit of chaos, and this is crucial that I explain this properly so that you don’t misunderstand me.

I am talking about their attitudes here. I’m not talking about what is. I’m talking about the way they think. And to understand what I’m going to say, you have to understand that liberals look at conservatives, and they see a walking stereotype of racist, sexist, bigot, homophobe, hayseed Christian with a gun in the gun rack in the back of a pickup getting to the church on Saturday night to get a head start on everybody Sunday morning. That’s what they see. Who are their two leading nominees? A black guy and a female, both unprecedented in terms of having been elected president. The Democrats today are not about what they are for. This is not what this campaign’s about. That’s why you’re hearing lofty platitudinous speeches about change and I’m the new JFK, I’m the new RFK, I’m the new Martin Luther King, they’re conjuring up images. This is not about specifics. They talk about health care and all this, but all those are emotional plays. What the Democrats are in chaos about, what they’re afraid of, is that they think when they lose elections, it’s because we have been able to turn out more racists and sexists and bigots to screw them at the election ballot box, and their big concern here is whether it’s Hillary or Obama, they are worried how to inoculate both candidates from what they think will be the racist or sexist campaign.

They think they’re vulnerable. What I’m telling you is they’re in chaos because they think they are vulnerable because the nomination race consists of a black guy and a female. They think we’re going to go after either one in racist or sexist ways and that we can succeed. So they’re trying to come up with ways to blunt that rather than express what they are for. Now, I’m over time here on this segment. I’ve gotta go to a break, but I mean this, I know this is where their head’s at, this is how they think, the clichéd stereotypes, that they look at Republicans, just like they look at Diebold or manufacturers of voting machines with a clichéd stereotype that it’s owned by Republicans and they’re out to be screwed. They believe this stuff and so it animates them and it causes them to implement various strategeries in their election strategery, and that’s where they’re at right now, make no bones about it. You heard it here.


RUSH: I have a couple more audio sound bites here, ladies and gentlemen. This is Barack Obama last night in Nashua, New Hampshire, at a postelection event at which he conceded the New Hampshire primary to Senator Clinton. We have two sound bites. Here’s the first.

OBAMA: It was whispered by slaves and abolitionists as they blazed a trail towards freedom through the darkest of nights: ‘Yes, we can.’ (applause) It was sung by immigrants as they struck out from distant shores, and pioneers who pushed westwards against an unforgiving wilderness: ‘Yes, we can.’ (cheers) It was the call of workers who organized, women who reached for the ballot, a president who chose the moon as our new frontier, and a king who took us to the mountaintop and pointed the way to the Promised Land. ‘Yes, we can,’ to justice and equality! (cheers)

AUDIENCE: Yes, we can! Yes, we can! Yes, we can!

OBAMA: ‘Yes, we can,’ to opportunity and prosperity! Yes, we can to heal this nation. ‘Yes, we can,’ repair this world. ‘Yes, we can.’

RUSH: What did he say? He said absolutely nothing! (interruption) ‘But he did it so well.’ I know, but he said absolutely nothing. This is why I say to you that the outcome of all this is based not on what they are for, but what they are scared they believe we can exploit, because they think we’re racists and sexists. So here’s Obama making it known that he is down for the struggle, in South Carolina. He is down for the struggle — and in Michigan. He is down for the struggle. The slogan is, ‘Yes, we can,’ and Clinton, Inc., finishes it off by saying, ‘Take him out.’ So you got Obama saying, ‘Yes, we can,’ and over at Clinton, Inc., they’re saying, ‘Take him out,’ and when you combine the two, what do you get? ‘ Yes, we can take him out.’ Here’s the second Obama bite.

OBAMA: Tomorrow as we take the campaign south and west, as we learn that the struggles of the textile workers in Spartanburg are not so different than the plight of the dishwasher in Las Vegas, that the hopes of a little girl who goes to the crumbling school in Dillon are the same as the dreams of a boy who learns on the streets of LA, we will remember that there is something happening in America, that we are not as divided as our politics suggest, that we are one people; we are one nation (cheers), and together we will begin the next great chapter in the American story with three words that will ring from coast to coast, from sea to shining sea, ‘Yes, we can!’ Thank you, New Hampshire. Thank you.

RUSH: Once again, more platitudinous stuff. It sounds really good. Some might say it’s inspirational. But it’s nothing. There’s nothing there. Folks, this is not personal between me and Obama. I’m just telling you. I analyze this stuff like everybody else. There’s nothing there. This… (interruption) Oh, there’s hope. Okay, there’s hope there. But this is aimed at who, then? It’s aimed at the people wandering aimlessly through life. This is just… I don’t know. I’d love to run against it. I’d love to run against it, but we’re going to run against Hillary, probably, and that’ll be fun.