RUSH: Janet, Northport, Florida, I’m glad you waited. Welcome to the program.
CALLER: Hey, Rush.
RUSH: Hey.
CALLER: In watching all the coverage about the 9/11 remembrances this last week, I was struck by a clip that I saw of a poll that was taken, I guess it was the first week after the attack, and in the poll, President Bush had a 93, 92% approval rating. And I believe now you can almost pinpoint that day of this poll that the Democrats pretty much decided that he had to be destroyed, and that they would never get power back if they didn’t destroy him. And I think looking back on it now, these last couple years, they’ve been pretty effective.
But you’re right, at some point — and we have the Rockefeller memo in which he said we can only do this one time, but we’re going to have to launch a full scale investigation into how we’ve been lied to, how the intelligence was made up. And of course the product of that was released on Friday. You’re right. The whole thing has been a fabricated policy to win back power at the expense of national security and everything else. It has featured lying, it has featured prevarication, it has featured deceit, duplicitousness, it has arrogance, pretty much every human characteristic that we find offensive has been front and center in terms of the Democrats, particularly Senate Democrats. You can’t leave the House out of this, either, efforts to rewrite history and erase it from as many minds as possible.
RUSH: Hey, look at it this way, folks. You want some straightforward, blunt words? You have the 1990s and no action taken. Bush takes action, there’s two different policies. You got Democrats running around in 1998 warning of all these threats from Saddam Hussein, doing nothing about it as usual. Now in 2002, demanding a chance to say it again on the floor of the Senate in debating a use-of-force resolution for the president, and now, four years later, they want to erase memories. Clinton administration with the same thing. That’s why they didn’t want this movie to air.
Remember, only one minute has been cut. I have confirmed this. Out of five hours, only one minute has been cut. It was a total, failed effort by the Clintonoids. Well, you can’t say total, but they can’t erase any of the meaning of the movie. ABC did not cave. Turns out that Bill Clinton lied, and it did cost lives. He didn’t have to spend years lying about the Lewinsky matter and being embroiled in the Paula Jones thing, perjuring himself, obstructing and all the rest. He lied, and people did die around the world, Americans. And what of Sandy Berger and Madeleine Albright and all the rest? I don’t know if they had sex with Lewinsky, either, but were they so busy they couldn’t focus on the terrorist threat in front of them? It’s inescapable, ladies and gentlemen, inarguable.
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