RUSH: Brian in Gainesville, Florida, a retired Special Ops soldier. Welcome, sir. Nice to have you with us.
CALLER: Rush, first of all let me say, Dual Giga Show Me Dittos from us in the Show Me land.
RUSH: Appreciate that.
CALLER: Actually I wanted to let you know, Rush, that a trip like that makes more difference. You are the unofficial radio talk show of Army Special Forces, and I say that because if you’re the
RUSH: Well, thank you very much. I’m flattered that you would say that. You know, I’ll be honest, I hope — I was trying to do that. I wanted to go tell these guys, these men and women the truth. I wanted to buck them up. I wanted them to feel proud of what they’re doing. But you know what I found? They do already! They’re very committed to what they — would have made you proud, folks, to be with me and to see these young people and they’re not all so young. I mean there’s some people wearing the uniform that served in Vietnam. There are some retired Special Ops people that are over there on security detail. I had a long talk with one of them about some of his previous work in Afghanistan. He was trying to tell me that these people in Afghanistan can do it. They are tough. They are tough people. He told me some stories about the way he found people live over there that would stun you. Try walking down 3,000 feet of a mountain side for fresh water and bringing it back up 3,000 feet to your home every day in order to live. That’s what people who live at the higher elevations in Afghanistan do.