We Need Separation of Liberalism & State

by Rush Limbaugh - Dec 8,2004

But, you know, something struck me about this. It’s like we’re watching the weirdest mixed message in history. We are told, if we listen to our friends on the left, we are told the religious right has taken over the nation, and the same time we see God being tossed out of the Pledge of Allegiance, God is being tossed out of school and the religious right runs the country? You could call this the Cupertino Declaration of Independence. The “Christmas is a no-no ruling” or some such thing. Troublemakers, you can’t get rid of troublemakers from class, but you can throw God out of class. Just amazing.

I think we have a disconnect here between the template and the reality. The template is the religious right’s taken over the nation. At the same time God gets thrown out of schools and public domain everywhere. If the so-called religious right is so all-powerful, then how come they’re so un-powerful? They stood around and they see God being tossed out of the schools and there was not even a vote. We’re losing Christmas. We’re losing Hanukkah. We’re losing all references whatsoever, yet we don’t have a separation between liberalism and state. We need a separation between liberalism and state, is what we need, not a separation of church and state. We need a separation of liberalism and state because it’s liberalism that is coming up with this phony doctrine anyway of separation of church and state. That’s been so distorted and abused. Liberalism is a major religion is what I mean. To be a liberal you have to think it’s a religion. You have to accept all this stuff on faith because factual analysis destroys it.

So we need separation of liberalism and state as part of separation of church and state.